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In a few weeks, M6 will release the 13th season of Le Meilleur pâtissier. But this one is placed under the sign of renewal. Télé Star takes stock of all the changes that await fans of this competition.

The Best Pastry Chef is getting ready to make its big comeback on M6 with its 13th season.

On this occasion, the culinary program is full of new features, particularly in the mechanics of the competition itself.

And after Faustine Bollaert, Julia Vignali and Marie Portolano, it is now Laetitia Milot who will be in charge of this gourmet show.

Summer is gradually giving way to the return to TV. On September 2, the daily talk shows returned to the air, kicking off a new season. And while a few summer programs are still airing – like Les Traîtres, whose finale will air on September 27, and L’Amour est dans le pré -, M6’s back-to-school schedule is taking shape. So, besides the All-Stars season of Pékin Express, and the highly anticipated Golden Bachelor, another program will be making its return.

A program that is synonymous with back to school and autumn on the channel now directed by David Larramendy. This is of course the Best Pastry ChefIn just a few weeks, fans of biscuits and other cakes will once again be able to salivate over this competition, the recipe of which is changing for this 13th season. TV Star tells you everything!

When will the 13th season of Le Meilleur Pâtissier air?

“On your marks. Get set? Bake!” In just a few weeks, this cult gimmick will resonate once again. And for good reason, M6 will be giving The 13th season of Le Meilleur Pâtissier will kick off on Thursday, October 10. A period that is not surprising. Usually, this amateur competition is always launched between the months of September and October. Only the first edition had started later, at the end of November. As for the broadcast day, there is a change in the air. If Wednesday has often won the bet, Le Meilleur pâtissier has however rubbed shoulders with almost every day of the week. This is therefore not very surprising, especially in an already very busy program schedule.

Marie Portolano leaves Le Meilleur pâtissier, her replacement surprises

For this new edition of the Best Pastry Chef, a new face arrives. It is the fourth host of this program. After Faustine Bollaert and Julia Vignali, Marie Portolano came to bring a breath of fresh air to the competition. But this collaboration was (too) short-lived, for our taste. After three seasons, like her predecessors, she decided to leave M6, in favor of Télévisions. A heartbreak for Cyril Lignac and Mercotte as well as for the entire Meilleur pâtissier team.We regret Marie Portolano Of course. We loved her. Cyril and Mercotte had created real bonds with her.“, the show’s producer, Jérémie Atlan, tells us. To replace it, the Six made a surprising choice.

Rather than relying on the expertise of a female presenter, the channel preferred to rely on an actress. It is now Laetitia Milot who is piloting the competition of amateur pastry chefs.She fits perfectly into the program. She is smiling, hardworking and very invested in the tent. She is really empathetic“, Jérémie Atlan swears to us. Above all, she has a role that is a little different from her predecessors. If you choose an actress, you might as well highlight her talents. Thus, sketches will serve as an introduction to each show. Fictionalized sketches which aim to highlight the theme of the evening.

The Best Pastry Chef 2024 changes scenery

It is the most beautiful castle in the history of LMP.“For Mercotte, there is no doubt: This change of filming location was worth it. Every spring, it was the same old story. The hundred or so people involved in Le Meilleur pâtissier headed to Montfort-l’Amaury. They had in fact gotten into the habit of setting up camp at the Château de Groussay. But the last two seasons had been marked by a return to their roots. So, it was in the Château de Neuville, in Gambais, that they set up camp for the duration of the competition. A symbolic location, since that was where the very first season of Le Meilleur pâtissier was filmed.

But this time, they settled into a new setting.The castle was not available. They were doing some work there.“, explains Jérémie Atlan. No matter. Production has fallen under the spell of Ormesson Castle in Ormesson-sur-. A building built at the end of the 16th century and probably by Baptiste Androuet du Cerceau. It is located in a 66-hectare park in which squirrels, deer and wild boars wander and where a watering hole gives the place a picture-postcard feel.We have a pretty incredible setting. It’s crazy“, marvels the producer.

The Best Pastry Chef 2024: What is the Orangery?

Among the major new features of this 13th edition of the Meilleur pâtissier, there is the orangery. What is it? A lounge, with sofas, coffee machine, piano, etc. where the competing pastry chefs can unwind, work on their next recipes and share their feelings after the tests. A place of relaxation that has always existed but is now filmed. “We wanted to show more of the connection between pastry chefs“, justifies Jérémie Atlan. And details: “When we are under the tent, it is a little difficult to tell their bonds, since the baking takes over. So we decided to film these sequences of life for understand who they are and show what happens outside the tent.

The birth of love stories during filming is probably not for nothing. A change in the narration which brings an additional touch of humanity but which “will not last 25 minutes in the show“, swears the producer. In this orangery, the candidates are not filmed permanently, and despite the discretion of the cameras, nothing is done by surprise. However, “it’s not something artificial“, assures us producer Matthieu Jean-Toscani.

The Best Pastry Chef 2024 changes its recipe

Ultimately, only Cyril Lignac and Mercotte are the unchanging elements of Le Meilleur Pâtissier. Nevertheless, their role is somewhat disrupted. Just like the order of the tests. The gourmands were used to it, the show always started with Cyril’s challenge, then Mercotte’s technical test, before finishing with the creative one. It is now the latter that will launch each evening. Then it’s time for the technical test… which is no longer embodied by Mercotte. As was initiated last year, this becomes a sort of masterclass for amateurs where a chef will reveal to them – or not quite – a technical gesture, a manufacturing secret that they can then reuse during the season.We bring back pure technique, without going into wacky cakes. These are cakes that we can remake at home“, says Jérémie Atlan.

The evening will then end with a surprise challenge. It could be a classic to revisit, such as baking in pairs, for example. At the end of this challenge, the candidates will have the chance to win a golden cupcake. Namely, immunity. A qualification assured for the following week. Enough to completely reshuffle the cards.It creates more stakes, more competition. We had real upheavals with this golden cupcake.“, the producer teases us. Finally, The Secret Kitchen is Back But… No Longer Hidden. The concept remains the same but the chain “assume“this parallel competition and the announcement straight away to those eliminated without creating suspense.

How to take the pressure off them?We asked ourselves the question. Doesn’t that dilute the strength of the elimination? But in fact, not at all. They are very disappointed and are aware that their return to the competition is not guaranteed.“, Jérémie Atlan assures us. For this “Who will reintegrate the tent?” two new leaders are at the helm. Exit Mercotte and Christophe Renou. It is Noémie Honiat and Mohamed, semi-finalists of season 10 who will challenge the eliminated.They will give them advice so that the winner can return to the tent even stronger.“, the producer tells us. Enough to give him a real chance to beat the candidates still in the running and thus hope to win the competition. It remains to be seen whether fans of the Meilleur pâtissier will respond in the face of so many new features.


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