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Do the city and its faculty presented in the TF1 series really exist?

Fanny Legoff, Nolwenn Leroy’s character, is back in the town of Brocéliande in the eponymous TF1 series, and also returns to her faculty that she frequented in the past. But do they really exist?

In Broceliande (our opinion), the new event series from TF1 broadcast this Monday, September 16, 2024 from 9:10 p.m., Fanny Legoff, the character played by Nolwenn Leroy, a recognized and admired Parisian biologist, returns to Broceliande20 years after leaving her faculty during her studies following the disappearance of her best friend Laura Perrier for which she had been suspected. If the 6×52-minute fiction was indeed filmed in , do the city and its faculty really exist? We give you the answer!

Broceliande : Filming took place largely in the town of Paimpont

If the forest of Brocéliande really exists, there is no town that bears this name. The TF1 series was filmed in that of Paimpont. We can also see the abbey church of the city built in the 13th century during a burial scene, but also its lake during a party sequence, or the fountain of Barenton, one of the sites of the forest most loaded with Arthurian legends which is located in the famous forest. Only the gendarmerie is not located at Paimpont but in Bourgbarré, near . This is also the town hall of the city, transformed for a few days for the filming of Broceliande.

Broceliande : The faculty scenes were filmed in the Paimpont biological station

As for the biology faculty of Brocéliande, it is in fact the biological station attached to the University of Rennes 1. It is also located in the town of Paimpont. Located in the heart of an exceptional natural heritage, it was built in 1967. Throughout the year, it hosts national and international conferences and seminars like the one that Fanny attends in the TF1 series. This station is above all a major educational tool that allows biology students to observe plants and animals in their natural environment…


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