Is Franck Borde leaving the France 2 series for good? The actor responds!
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Is Franck Borde leaving the France 2 series for good? The actor responds!

In Such a big sun On France 2, Alix’s (Nadia Fossier) attempts to patch things up with Nicolas (Franck Borde) seem in vain, and the story is coming to an end. Will the Montpellier museum curator then disappear from the series? We’ll tell you everything!

Love stories end badly… in Such a big sun on France 2, and on France 3 from this Monday, September 9, 2024. While Chloé (Randyane Naly) has just discovered the infidelities of Evan (Guillaume Delorme), her husband, the pieces do not seem to be able to be put back together between Alix (Nadia Fossier) and Nicolas (Franck Borde). Thus, in the episode of this Friday, September 6, 2024, despite his nice gift to the chosen one of his heart, the conservative does not seem ready to forgive her. Agreeing to go for a drink with her, he ends up explaining to her that he prefers that they remain good friends, before telling her “Maybe one of these days”…Maybe everything is not over then, as he confides to us?Sometimes in relationships you don’t know where you stand, and I think that’s the case here. They need time.” begins Franck Borde before adding “It started with a good friendly and sexual understanding, but both of them got caught in the trap of feelings. Unfortunately, Alix got carried away and wrongly accused him. Nicolas surely has a dark side, but he is quite upright. It is part of his ethics. And despite the feelings he has for Alix, for the moment he is rather on his values, even if I think that the feelings are still there.”

Such a big sun : Will Franck Borde (Nicolas) return to the series? The actor answers!

With this end of the arch, is it also the end of the character? Let Franck Borde fans rest assured! He should be back soon. “I am currently filming in Montpellier, until September 30. I should be back on air in December.” If the former interpreter of Florian Estève in More beautiful life will not tell us more about the continuation of his character’s adventures, he nevertheless seems very enthusiastic about his participation in the daily series, and would not be against becoming a recurring character. “I love recurring characters. I like discovering the rest of the stories. There is a very enjoyable side to it, like when you laugh at a novel that is several volumes long. I would like it to last as long as possible, while keeping a certain freedom. My first love is the theater. Right now, I have three plays that I am performing for young audiences. But yes, I would love it!” enthuses the 44-year-old actor.

Such a big sun : Does Franck Borde (Nicolas) get along well with Nadia Fossier (Alix)?

Arrived in Such a big sun – filmed in the same studio as the future daily soap opera of M6 – on July 9, Franck Borde (Nicolas) mainly played with Nadia Fossier (Alix). A partner that the one who is also a municipal councilor in St Ouen particularly appreciated, as he confided to us with enthusiasm. “Honestly, I’m very lucky to have come across her because she’s a great actress, and we complement each other well because we have different energies. And then, we’re both hard workers. We meet up to rehearse before the takes. There’s real work in advance, which means that, I hope, we can feel the pleasure we get from acting. Above all, I hope to continue to be able to act with Nadia.” he concluded with a smile. Let’s hope to see them together again soon then…


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