“It’s a real disgrace”: wearing an electronic bracelet, this criminal will participate in “Dancing with the Stars”

“It’s a real disgrace”: wearing an electronic bracelet, this criminal will participate in “Dancing with the Stars”

An electronic bracelet on the ankle

Convicted in 2019 of defrauding and stealing tens of thousands of dollars from friends, hotels and even banks, Anna Sorokin was sentenced to four years in prison. She was released on good behavior in 2021, but a visa issue sent her back behind bars. Since then, the fake Russian-German heiress has refused to be deported to her home country and has been under house arrest in the United States since 2022. While waiting to find out if she will be able to stay on American soil, she lives with an electronic ankle bracelet, limited in her movements to a radius of 110 km around her home.

The official photo of Anna Delvey, who is using her fake name for her participation in Dancing with the Stars. ©Andrew Eccles/AP/SIPA

But now this limit has been lifted, temporarily, to allow him to participate in Dancing with the Stars who is registered in Los Angeles. The US immigration services approved his application with surprising speed: “It took them about 10 days to get everything approved.” she told the magazine People.

While her story has fascinated people for years, the announcement of her participation in the show was not well received in the United States.Popular culture has hit rock bottom“, he is indignant New York Postwhile the New York Times speaks of “a revealing choice” of the nature of the show. On social networks, Internet users are angry: “This is a real shame“, we can read in many comments.

As a certain comedian would say, ultimately, isn’t life beautiful?


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