Kara, popular candidate for the 2 seasons of this reality show broadcast on MTV since 2023, accuses Melvin and Julie of having abused her while under the influence of GHB and ecstasy.
«Frenchie Shore“… The concept is simple: it consists of locking ten young people (5 girls and 5 boys who are overconsumers, hypersexed, eager for immediate pleasures and totally uninhibited) in a villa, to challenge them, to entrust them with various tasks, some professionals, and to observe them struggling with the notion of “living together”. A revisited “Loft Story” from which no one can expect miracles except Paramount+, producer, and MTV, broadcaster of the program. And again, the success, on the platforms, of this type of show, is primarily due to the stir they cause on social networks.
Here’s one. Kara (represented in the promotional photo of “Frenchie Shore”) claimed a few days ago onthe complicity of the girlfriend ». The young woman, whose outspokenness says a lot about her character, has, it seems, not only made friends since the launch of the show.
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Rape or threesome on ecsta?
The “friend” in question is Julie. And the accused candidate is Melvin. They were a couple during the first season of “Frenchie Shore”, broadcast in 2023. The assaults allegedly took place at that time. Kara and Julie are indeed participating in season 2. Melvin is not. In a series of messages posted on the social network, Kara launches accusations against Julie and those around her, claiming not to have wished to evoke the “trauma” that these attacks constitute, adding that their author has apologized.
In the following posts, she states: “Julie admitted to me (in front of witnesses) that she took pleasure in drugging people without their knowledge”Then “Julie took videos of me while I was on GHB & ecstasy (just before I overdosed) and showed them to many people including the cast of “Frenchie Shore””or even “This story is very dark and a lot of people were complicit in it. Starting with my very dear colleagues”.
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«Odious rumor“, responded Anne-Laure Compoint and Tom Michel, Julie and Melvin’s lawyers, in a press release written last Friday, January 17, in which they announced that they were suing Kara for public defamation and affirmed that it was because of these rumor that Melvin is not participating in season 2 of the show. “Kara’s quest for notoriety cannot justify the exploitation of the struggles against sexual violence and chemical submission”further denounces the press release.
The two attorneys go further, recalling in the columns of Parisian what “#MeToo is an essential movement but it must not be distorted to become anything. Internet users must understand that we cannot replace justice.. Contacted by the daily, Julie for her part deplored: “It’s all a butt thing in the end, she didn’t want to accept the fact that we had a threesome.”
At a time of the Mazan rape affair and the essential, societal, national and international awareness of the intolerable nature of all forms of chemical submission, these accusations could have very serious consequences for Melvin and Julie .