The Mysteries of Love (Series)

The Mysteries of Love (Series)
The Mysteries of Love (Series)

Hélène Rollès (Hélène Girard), Patrick Puydebat (Nicolas Vernier), Serge Gisquière (Peter Watson), Laure Guibert (Bénédicte Breton), Philippe Vasseur (José Da Silva) and Laly Meignan (Laly Polleï) are back for a new season of Mysteries of Love. The teenage years are a long time ago for the group of friends. Back in , they must now face different challenges. Between love, divorce, and fame, the gang hasn't finished experiencing plenty of adventure!

Languages ​​and subtitles

Available on certain episodes/shows


Hélène Rollès, Patrick Puydebat, Laure Guibert, Philippe Vasseur, Laly Meignan, Macha Polikarpova, Sébastien Roch, Elsa Esnoult, Carole Dechantre, Richard Pigois

Directed by

Guy Famechon, Henri Hasbani, Michel Brugier, Vincent Van Moere, Philippe Layani



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