And cars caught on the left lane were flashed if they were carrying a single person, or were not authorized or Crit'air 0. Ending with a fine of 135 euros.
Between the lack of communication, the symbol of the diamond not necessarily known everywhere in France, one could imagine that the radars would allow the State to reap quite a jackpot.
According to RMC, this is indeed the case. Since their activation at Pierre-Bénite or at the Musée des Confluences, and until December, the radars have flashed 1,612 vehicles. Checks which resulted in 862 fines, or 116,370 euros.
This is both impressive for a radar, but potentially disappointing for those who would benefit from having the devices flash continuously every day.
-“We went from 70% fraud to 30-35% today. We are at half the fines, which is good. People have understood”welcomed the vice-president of the Lyon Metropolis in charge of Transport, Jean-Charles Kohlhaas, to RMC.
However, there is one thing that many motorists still do not understand: the middle lane becomes the left lane for those driving alone.