We FINALLY know if Rachel (Juliet Lemonnier) is really going to leave Sète

We FINALLY know if Rachel (Juliet Lemonnier) is really going to leave Sète
We FINALLY know if Rachel (Juliet Lemonnier) is really going to leave Sète

The population of Sète, in Tomorrow belongs to us on TF1, will very soon have one less resident. This is Rachel (Juliet Lemonnier). The young woman leaves for new adventures, just as she glimpsed a possible story with Bart (Hector Langevin).

In Tomorrow belongs to us on TF1, Violette has just escaped an attack in the evening in the port. But, in Sète, the problems have only just begun… A scorpion has been placed in a high school locker and the animal is going to cause damage. In parallel, Bart (Hector Langevin) gradually fell in love with Rachel (Juliet Lemonniertroubled by the plot of her character's rape), who became her roommate. The young woman realized that she was not indifferent to the boss of the Spoon, but the situation is not as simple as it seems…

Tomorrow belongs to us : Rachel leaves Sète, Timothée is heartbroken

In an extract from Tomorrow belongs to us revealed on the TF1 website, Nordine (Youcef Agal), Manon (Louvia Bachelier) and Bart accompany Rachel to the Sète station. “It's time to say goodbye“, says the latter. To which Manon replies: “We will miss you” before hugging her. “To get you in the mood, I have a little gift“, said Nordine, offering her a necklace of artificial flowers. “You know that this kind of thing is done to welcome people, not to say goodbye to them“, Rachel reacts. Nordine then pretends to make her turn around so that she can stay in Sète. Rachel then faces Bart and asks him if he will come see her. He retorts: “That if I have the right to sleep in one of the luxury lodges.” But one big absentee is missing: Timothée (Grégoire Champion). Bart tells his friend that Timothée won't come. They then hug each other.

Juliet Lemonnier (Tomorrow belongs to us ) is in a relationship with an actor from Tom and Lola

On her Instagram account, Juliet Lemonnier announced in August 2023 that she had become a mother a few months earlier, thus explaining her prolonged absence from social networks. The actress shares her life with an actor named Pierre-Yves Bon, recently seen in the series Tom and Lola alongside Dounia Coesens who revealed this relationship. Juliet Lemonnier also visited them on the set of this series.




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