Alex Vizorek regrets the departure of Valérie Maurice from Télématin, her nice wink

Alex Vizorek regrets the departure of Valérie Maurice from Télématin, her nice wink
Alex Vizorek regrets the departure of Valérie Maurice from Télématin, her nice wink

This Tuesday, January 14 in TelematinAlex Vizorek spoke with humor about the departure of his colleague, Valérie Maurice, in his weekly humorous column.

Like every Tuesday morning in Telematinthis Tuesday, January 14, Alex Vizorek made the rounds with humor. On the 2 set, surrounded by Flavie Flament, Julien Arnaud and three morning columnists – Julia Martin, Mathilde Terrier and Axel de Tarlé – the comedian – who we know best for his columns in the France Inter morning show and her presence on various radio shows alongside her colleague Charline Vanhoenacker – returned to the story of this woman who was scammed out of more than 800,000 euros by a man pretending to be Brad Pitt. He took the opportunity, in passing, to say hello to a columnist who left the France 2 morning show.

She ended up disappearing“: Alex Vizorek regrets the departure of Valérie Maurice in Telematin

That’s terrible! Anne, she sent 830,000 euros to someone who pretended to be Brad Pitt” began Alex Vizorek when a photo capture of an article from 7 out of 7 appears on the screen. “Anne leaves her husband and her luxurious life for ‘Brad Pitt’ and gets scammed out of 830,000 euros“, we can read in the title of the article in question. “As far as I’m concerned, I fully sympathize with this lady because, I too, crossed paths with a celebrity, I fell under the spell. So, I obviously didn’t give her money, I gave her jokes every Tuesday morning, and she ended up disappearing, overnight, without explanation. We will see it here…“, continued the comedian before broadcasting a cut-out photo of Valérie Maurice.

A sabbatical year away from the air for Valérie Maurice

It got me… Is she okay?“, he asked Julia Martin, the weather columnist for Telematin who had just told him that their former colleague was doing well: “She kisses you. She thinks of you, but from a very far away. But she’s fine“. “That’s what all the grazers say“, concluded Alex Vizorek while Julien Arnaud tried to cheer him up: “Come on, you’ll get over it, we’ll help you“. If Valérie Maurice had made her debut as an actress in an unexpected role in the series Perfect Crimesin 2020, she decided to leave Telematin last December in order to grant “a sabbatical year away from the air“, as announced by our colleagues at Parisian.



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