Live in “TPMP”, Jean-Luc Reichmann offers a job to a struggling young student

Live in “TPMP”, Jean-Luc Reichmann offers a job to a struggling young student
Live in “TPMP”, Jean-Luc Reichmann offers a job to a struggling young student

When we come to watch the show Don't touch my postyou can leave with a work-study program or an internship. This is what happened this Tuesday evening to two young women present on Cyril Hanouna's set. Students at the Sup de Com school, a class was present.

The C8 host then brought two students: Rita and Louise onto the set. By talking with them, they taught him that one was looking for an internship in communications and the other for a work-study program in audiovisual as an editor. It was enough for Cyril Hanouna to reach out to them.

Cyril Hanouna as internship supervisor

Cyril Hanouna immediately called a member of production from his production company H20 to the set to help them. It was Lionel Stan, the general manager who came so that Rita could have an internship and start quickly. Cyril Hanouna even called his mother, who was in Morocco, to tell her the good news.

Alima, Rita's mother, was delighted. “I love you Cyril” she declared when Cyril Hanouna told her that he was with his daughter on the set. When telling him the good news, she exclaimed: “Oh my god, thank you so much!“The host of TPMP et Facing Hanouna made him promise to come see them quickly.

Jean-Luc Reichmann also ready to help

For Louise and her alternation, Cyril Hanouna used his relationships. “The problem with alternation is that you have to give sorrel” he said. He therefore called Cyril Féraud, who did not answer. Then Jean-Luc Reichmann, who did not answer either. The comedian Booder, then in front of his television set, even sent a message to Valérie Bénaïm to tell her that he could take her to the theater.

But Cyril Hanouna aimed even higher and promised to do everything to help him. A few minutes later, the host of 12 shots of noon recalled. He then became aware of the situation and wanted to speak to Louise to find out if she was really motivated. Which she confirmed. “JI moved to Paris for my studies, I'm super motivated” she said on the phone. While filming in for her series Léo Matteï, Jean-Luc Reichmann promised to take care of it and that it could start at the beginning of 2025.

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