Christine Kelly attacks Karim Rissouli and Mohamed Bouhafsi against Cyril Hanouna – Closer

Christine Kelly attacks Karim Rissouli and Mohamed Bouhafsi against Cyril Hanouna – Closer
Christine Kelly attacks Karim Rissouli and Mohamed Bouhafsi against Cyril Hanouna – Closer

It’s a period of her life that she will never forget. Christine Kelly was the victim of racist attacks on social networks for several months. Hateful messages that left a deep mark on her. Guest on Cyril Hanouna’s show, broadcast on Europe 1on June 27, this case was raised. “There are journalists, we are fully behind them, they have received threats, letters with names. We also receive some…”, began the presenter, specifying that it is Karim Rissouli and Mohamed Bouhafsi.Obviously, there are a lot of people in the media who have expressed their support for both of them,” he continues before addressing Christine Kelly directly, reminding her of her story.

Cyril Hanouna wanted to hear his guest. “What you are saying, what there is in this, there are double standards. You have suffered the worst threats and you support them, you find what is happening disgusting but there is indignation with variable geometry”he explained before adding: “You have not received any support from anyone.” For her part, Christine Kelly confirms the host’s comments before clarifying her remarks. “Journalists avoided me”she laments, then adding: “It was like I was the plague, like I smelled bad, like I was the person to be taken down.”

Christine Kelly: A journalist who received the worst threats

Christine Kelly was determined to make herself heard. Facing Cyril Hanouna, she returned to the criticism she had been subjected to. “And there was not a single article. Why? Because I decided to do a show with Eric Zemmour, in the name of freedom of expression,” she confided before deploring: “The same one cited by those who were summoned to court for defending terrorism.” The journalist then defends herself by recalling that she never publicly discussed politics. “I did my show, I never expressed my opinions. Who I vote for, nobody knows until now,” she said before adding:
“I have an association in which I help Muslim women, some stolen, some not. I have all races in my association and they all support me.”

Christine Kelly remembers that period like it was yesterday. “To see that, at the time I am doing this show, without knowing my political affiliation, I have had around 50 press articles per day,” she lamented. The journalist clarified that she did not want to pay attention to them but she was aware of their content. “I didn’t read them, it was just hate, meanness”she continued before adding: “Not one article to support me, to say that we don’t have the right to prevent someone from doing their job.” Christine Kelly says she supports Karim Rissouli and Mohamed Bouhafsi but she regrets not having been able to benefit from it as well. “And there, I am shocked to see this excitement over a few little bird names,” she concluded, recalling that her situation was complicated.

Karim Rissouli and Mohamed Bouhafsi: Highly Noticed Threats

Karim Rissouli and Mohamed Bouhafsi have admitted to having received racist messages in recent days.It’s n’en
“I don’t want any more Arab heads like you,”
revealed the journalist of C to YouHe then shared the insults targeting his origins that he was the victim of because of the political tension before the first round of the legislative elections.
“North Africans and Africans will never integrate with us”, “Soon it will be the end of France for b*******es like you!”, “dirty Arab”, “scum”he revealed.

Mohamed Bouhafsi’s testimony comes on the heels of that of Karim Rissouli, who mentioned messages of the same style. On the same day, he explained that he had received a handwritten letter at his home with similar content. “The one and only reason for voting RN is that the historic French people are fed up with all these b***** (racist anti-Arab insult, Editor’s note), the rest is blah-blah”, could be read there. In the columns of Bruthe recalled that “racism is not an opinion but a crime”, regardless of the political party one votes for or the job one does.



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