“I don’t know if it will happen,” Eva Longoria backpedals after making huge announcement about the series

“I don’t know if it will happen,” Eva Longoria backpedals after making huge announcement about the series
“I don’t know if it will happen,” Eva Longoria backpedals after making huge announcement about the series

Desperate Housewives celebrates 20 years since its launch in the United States in October 2024. An important event for fans, but also for the actors. Eva Longoria announced a special reunion last May, but during an interview with Tele-Leisurethe actress was less sure.

The years go by but Desperate Housewives remains in the hearts of fans! Launched on October 3, 2004 in the United States, the series quickly became a sensation and managed to thrill viewers for eight seasons. In France, the broadcast of the first episode of the fiction on M6 even captivated 5.5 million curious people. This year is therefore not insignificant for fans of Desperate Housewives since the series is celebrating its 20th anniversary. A major event that the actress Eva Longoriathe actress who plays Gabrielle Solis, doesn’t want to miss out. Interviewed by Canal+ on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival on May 19, 2024, the actress made a juicy revelation.I miss playing Gabby, I miss Wisteria Lane, it’s one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. This year is 20 years of Desperate Housewives, so we’re doing a special reunion – it won’t be a spin-off!“, she announced. In order to have more information on this subject, Tele-Leisure asked for clarification from the actress who is on the cover of our magazine this week.

Will there really be a special reunion for the 20th anniversary of Desperate Housewives ?

On the occasion of the launch of its new series on Apple TV+ The Land of Womenwhich marks a thunderous return of Eva Longoria, Tele-Leisure spoke with the actress. We asked her if we could imagine a reunion of the stars of Desperate Housewives like those of Friends ? They had in fact taken the form of a special program where the creators and actors returned to moments of the cult series, while telling anecdotes from the filming. Friends: The Reunion also allowed to revisit the iconic sets of the sitcom. But what about Desperate Housewives ? “I would love to, but I don’t know if it will happen. There is talk of doing a panel. [un événement durant lequel les acteurs viennent rencontrer leurs fans, ndlr] but I haven’t been told anything yet“, Eva Longoria told us.

Eva Longoria shuts down rumors of a reboot of Desperate Housewives

If the L’Oréal muse, who also confided lovingly about Kendji Girac, sincerely hopes for a reunion with the actresses of Desperate Housewivesit cut short any hope of a reboot.”I don’t think it’s planned. Especially because Marc Cherry, the creator, really doesn’t see the point in doing it now. He thinks we’ve explored all the characters and he has nothing more to say through them.“, she told us frankly. Teri Hatcher, who plays Susan, has also closed the door on a reboot of the cult series. So there is no longer any doubt!



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