Tomorrow Belongs to Us: “She was obsessed with him” … Georges and Roxane on the trail of Mélody’s secret? – News Series

Tomorrow Belongs to Us: “She was obsessed with him” … Georges and Roxane on the trail of Mélody’s secret? – News Series
Tomorrow Belongs to Us: “She was obsessed with him” … Georges and Roxane on the trail of Mélody’s secret? – News Series

While Georges investigates Mélody, he suddenly has a real revelation in Tomorrow Belongs to Us!

Mélody’s (Nelly Lawson) secret finally revealed in Tomorrow Belongs to Us? The police have been investigating the disappearance of John Kovac (Jean-Michel Péril) and his mistress for several weeks now. And while Bastien’s (Nicolas Jacquens) father has long been the number one suspect, the episode broadcast last Friday called everything into question!

Indeed, Kovac was murdered. So someone else is linked to the case. But who? What if it was Mélody? You must have noticed that the young woman is hiding a heavy secret. She only revealed it to Audrey (Charlotte Gaccio) because she feels so guilty.

One thing is certain, this secret concerns John Kovac and his son. But in what way? It is still difficult to know! However, Georges seems to be on a serious track, as we can discover in a new extract from episode 1720 revealed by TF1.

Determined to discover the truth, he reflects in the company of Roxane (Raphaele Volkoff): “It’s crazy, we have the impression that they’ve known each other forever (…) They were both born in Amiens, they moved to the Paris region at the same time (…) There’s Still a weird thing.”

“There’s something weird.”

Georges continues his reasoning: “Every time Kovac left a city, within six months at the most, she did the same thing! (…) And, each time, it’s the same pattern (…)”

“What am I doing in this story?”

Roxane then explains her theory: “I think maybe she’s the one obsessed with him. He was moving to get away from her and she ended up finding him.” But Georges replies: “And me, what am I doing in this story? (…) She was hyper invested in our relationship: she spent time with my mother, she took care of Lucien… I see how she looks at him, she adores him, she…”

Suddenly, George has a revelation and starts doing some research. Thinking about Mélody and Lucien’s relationship, did Mona’s (Catherine Benguigui) son wonder if the sports teacher was Bastien’s mother? We still don’t have the answer, but it won’t be long! The rest will be available tomorrow at 7:10 p.m. on TF1.



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