Disturbed by an unexpected noise, Thomas Hollan’s wife…

Disturbed by an unexpected noise, Thomas Hollan’s wife…
Disturbed by an unexpected noise, Thomas Hollan’s wife…

Émilie Broussouloux burst into laughter on the set of her show this Thursday, June 27. Thomas Hollande’s wife couldn’t help but be amused by a noise that disrupted her live broadcast.

On June 27, Emilie Broussouloux hosted her show on LCI, focusing on the legislative elections, a hot topic due to the dissolution announced by Emmanuel Macron.

During the show, an unexpected sneeze caused Emilie Broussouloux to burst into contagious laughter, momentarily interrupting the seriousness of the discussion on French politics.

This moment of lightness, far from detracting from her professionalism, underlined Emilie Broussouloux’s ability to manage the unexpected with humor, making the sequence memorable for viewers.

The hazards of live. This Thursday, June 27, Emilie Broussouloux was at the head of her show Brunet, Broussouloux & CIE, broadcast in the second part of the evening on LCI. The subject was the legislative elections since they are fast approaching. There are only a few days left for political figures to try to convince the French. Following the dissolution announced by Emmanuel Macron, they have been giving interviews on the sets to discuss their program. In the space of two weeks, politics will have been the main topic on all the channels. However, it seems that Emilie Broussouloux is also impatient for the two rounds to end.

While she was live, Emilie Broussouloux first mentioned the statements of Olivier Faure, the leader of the PS. “Can the republican arc still function and does it still exist? I would like to show you what Olivier Faure said last night on TF1. The first secretary of the Socialist Party spoke directly to those in power”, she began before being cut off by…. sneeze. François Hollande’s daughter-in-law did not expect it at all and she first said: “Bless you” before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. The journalist had a lot of trouble regaining her seriousness in order to continue her sequence.

Emilie Broussouloux: a journalist whose professionalism has taken over

Emilie Broussouloux apologized several times, still very amused by this situation. “Pardon…”, she said, a bit embarrassed. A hilarity that was contagious on the set since the columnists were also very amused. The journalist was then able to resume the thread of her column and continue the remarks made by Olivier Faure. “I tell them: ‘it’s up to you now to return the favor’, to make sure that there is the possibility of beating the candidates of the extreme right, which is not yet the case today since I see them hesitating” , she concluded. A sequence that will never be forgotten.

Emilie Broussouloux’s laughter is unforgettable and it will certainly be part of the shows which broadcast the bloopers and vagaries of live. There are notably her in-laws who must have seen it live. Since she co-presents the 10pm/midnight news slot with Éric Brunet on LCI and the journalist had confided that she could count on the support of François Hollande and Ségolène Royal. “They watch my show almost every evening,” she explained in the columns of TV 7 Days . Emilie Broussouloux was particularly delighted by her proximity to these two important political figures. “It allows me to discuss a lot of things with them, particularly geopolitics,” she concluded.

Émilie Broussouloux lost her cool this Thursday, June 27. However, she is not the first to be the victim of a fit of laughter live. In September 2023, Eric Brunet was taken by surprise by the assertion of a columnist, which he did not expect. The subject was the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in Vladivostok. Emilie Broussouloux confided that the latter’s train had 150 kilometers to travel, but was only moving at 60 km/h. Enough to make Didier François, guest on the set, react. “TLV, slow speed train”, he said. A joke that greatly amused Eric Brunet and his colleague quickly had to intervene. “We are not going to lose credibility!” she concluded.



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