The Fouillade. Michel Lombard, the “Mr. Book” at the head of the festival

The Fouillade. Michel Lombard, the “Mr. Book” at the head of the festival
The Fouillade. Michel Lombard, the “Mr. Book” at the head of the festival

Local and recognized figure, after being elected alongside Jean Lafon, at the time of the break called retirement, Michel Lombard developed a passion for the juxtaposition of words and formulas by writing works with strong local impregnation and regional. Regional author, a title which has nothing pejorative when, like him, we strive to highlight people in the shadows, “son of nothing or son of so little” as Ferré sang in another context. But also the places, the rivers, the moments experienced, the winks of the eye, the pangs of life. A wide range driven by the launch of his “Viaur sauvage” co-written and illustrated with a core of close friends as a nod to this force called friendship. Following this work, which sold out in less than two years, many other titles will knock on the door of the imagination of the author from La Lande. With “Viaur secret: the mystery of the engraved” he bounces back following the great drought of 2003 which altered the flow of the river… From personal chronicles like “the imps of the boarding school” to tales from here and there in going through the very comprehensive work “the valley of Aveyron” or his rants which left their mark on people’s minds “we’re fed up with everything that stuffs us down!” and “Badgers that shave us: the beard!”, Lombard writes according to his inspirations and the moment. As with “When the wine is drawn” on which he looks back on the length of hospitalization following a very serious accident.

With this sense of writing, but also in memory of the creation of the La Fouillade book and comics festival which he had brought to the baptismal font at the end of the 1990s, he could not, when the final point posed by the last leaders, let it disappear without reacting. So from this month of January 2024, he and, again, a core of relatives, but also of association leaders decided to bring to life what will now be called “the Book Festival” at La Fouillade, against all odds. . The meeting is set for this Saturday, July 27 at the sports hall with Daniel Crozes as guest of honor and comic artists, mangakas, regional authors, children’s authors for a real moment of sharing around the book whose pages we are filming. pages without getting tired…



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