“Secret Story, the everyday”: Perrine and Maxence kiss out of sight, Lou (already) returns to the house

“Secret Story, the everyday”: Perrine and Maxence kiss out of sight, Lou (already) returns to the house
“Secret Story, the everyday”: Perrine and Maxence kiss out of sight, Lou (already) returns to the house

Official couple alert in Secret Story ! After a month of adventure, the first couple of the season finally arrives. And contrary to what many viewers might have believed, they are not Zoé and Alexis.

At the start of the daily newspaper on May 23, night cameras were indeed able to intercept a long exchange of kisses between Perrine and Maxence, the thieves of the house. But the two lovebirds are still trying to hide this brand new romance from the eyes of the other inhabitants. During the day, the two candidates also want to take refuge in the cellar to kiss each other again, convinced that it does not contain cameras (false).

On the sofa, Perrine, glued to Maxence, wonders if they should wait for the other residents to “realize for themselves” that they are together. Teasingly, Maxence simply replies: “It’s good, they know. You woke me up in the middle of the night. »

Lou returns to everyone’s surprise

One piece of good news leads to another: Lou is already making his return to the House of Secrets. All the candidates discover just before their return the deception carried out by the production of Secret Story so far.

Obviously, this return makes people happy: Maxence, Léo, Perrine and Maxence. For the others, it’s a bit of a grimace, convinced that they had succeeded in eliminating the biggest candidate in the game.

“I’ve seen lots of things, good and bad. I decided to eliminate Cassandra because she went too far in the game. A good player must take risks, she didn’t take any.”Lou justifies himself in front of the other inhabitants, revealing in the process Francesca’s complicity.

“Secret Story”: Alexis named, her secret soon revealed

On the voting side, few surprises after the latest reversals and betrayals. All the candidates – except Zoé, Alexis and Cameron – decide to vote against these three candidates, described by many as “traitors”. The three will therefore have to face each other in the airlock. Secret Story this Friday. “It’s not a shock because we were prepared, we’re just disappointed”admits Alexis after the announcement.

And maybe before leaving, one of the nominees will see their secret revealed. Zoé and Alexis have indeed buzzed each other respectively. The Belgian has found her friend’s secret, which is not her case. However, the two decide to each validate their proposals.



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)