Will Johanna die? Aurore Delplace responds (SPOILER)

Will Johanna die? Aurore Delplace responds (SPOILER)
Will Johanna die? Aurore Delplace responds (SPOILER)

In Such a big sun on 3, the weekend promises to be the darkest for Johanna (Aurore Delplace). The lawyer had to admit to her companion that she had cheated on him, which had more than one dramatic consequence.

For a few days, Johanna (Aurore Delplace) going through a turmoil in Such a big sun on France 3. The lawyer indeed suffered from the brutal reaction of her companion Yann (Constantin Balsan) following the failure of their IVF. Lost, she took refuge in the arms of her ex, Ludo (Folco Marchi). The latter was suspected of Levars’ aggression, which pushed Johanna to confess her infidelity to Yann in order to exonerate Ludo. The situation is therefore very tense for the lawyer.

Such a big sun : “The couple is put in danger“, says Aurore Delplace

At the end of the episodeSuch a big sun of October 17, Johanna therefore admits to Yann that she cheated on him with Ludo. Once the shock of the announcement has passed, the situation will quickly deteriorate between the two lovers. Even more so when he realizes that the baby she is pregnant with could just as easily be Ludo’s. “The couple is put in danger, Yann is at his lowest point and hates Johanna. He pours out all his anger, his hatred, he is violent in his words. It’s very hard for both of you. She really jeopardized their relationship. It could lead to a separation“, Aurore Delplace told us.

Such a big sun : Will Johanna survive her accident?

ATTENTION SPOILERS ! Don’t read on if you want to find out by watching the episodes of Friday October 18 and Monday October 21. After a painful argument with Yann, Johanna gets behind the wheel, in tears. “Johanna is going to have a car accident. She will lose the child. What’s crazy is that again, she gets pregnant, she has doubts about the father – like the first time when she didn’t know if he was Ludo’s or Christophe’s – and she will lose the child“, the actress revealed to us. If Johanna has another miscarriage, she will however survive this car accident.




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