A Canal+ union deplores the adaptation of a Zemmour book into a series

The autonomous union of Canal+, +Libres, “regrets” Friday on its social networks the series adaptation of the book “Le suicide français” by far-right polemicist and politician Eric Zemmour, confirmed this week by the group (Martin BUREAU / AFP/Archives)

The autonomous Canal+ union, +Libres, “regrets” on Friday on its social networks the series adaptation of the book “Le suicide français” by far-right polemicist and politician Eric Zemmour, confirmed this week by the group.

“+Libres (…) once again regrets that the group serves as an ideological support for ideas which in no way support the objectives of the company in an important period of its history”, he writes, evoking in particular its possible “IPO”.

Canal+, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, is one of three entities, with Havas and Louis Hachette Group, which aim to become independent from the Vivendi group, owned by conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré.

The plan to split these different activities of Vivendi, a French media and publishing giant, will be voted on on December 9 at the general meeting. If the split plan is approved, the first listing of shares of the three companies would take place on December 16.

The series adaptation project of the book “A French Suicide” is “in development” on Planète+, Canal+ channel, the group indicated on Wednesday, confirming information from Le Parisien.

In 2014, Eric Zemmour, journalist at Le Figaro, became a successful essayist with this book (Albin Michel) under the leadership of Lise Boëll, who has forged an image as a very right-wing publisher of authors.

Eric Zemmour, leader of Reconquête!, June 19, 2024 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, near (Ludovic MARIN / AFP/Archives)

She has been running Fayard since June and will publish in November the first book by Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Rally.

Fayard, a subsidiary of Hachette Livre, is part of the Vivendi group, just like the Canal+ galaxy.

Presidential candidate in 2022, Eric Zemmour is at the head of Reconquête!, a far-right movement which only received 0.6% of the votes in the legislative elections which followed, without any elected MP.



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