Olympe (The Voice) gives a strong testimony about the threats he received from a fan

Olympe (The Voice) gives a strong testimony about the threats he received from a fan
Olympe (The Voice) gives a strong testimony about the threats he received from a fan

Discovered in the second season of The VoiceOlympe was the victim of an erotomaniac fan. The singer opens up about the hell he experienced for three years, on the set of It starts today.

Olympe is one of the artists who have experienced a meteoric rise… Revealed in the second season of The Voicethe young saw his notoriety grow overnight. If some of his fans first followed him to the store in which he worked during his time in telecrochet, the affair took on more importance when he was the victim of an erotomaniac fan. Guest on the set of It starts todaythe artist, who became the father of a little boy in 2023, delivered a chilling testimony to Faustine Bollaert.

She came in front of my house, she insulted us…” : Olympe reveals having been harassed by a fan

After his passage in The VoiceOlympe’s life has completely changed. The artist discovered in 2013 had to face very delicate situations. On the set of Faustine Bollaert, the young dad returned to a story that followed him for a long time: “There was a very nice young girl, very shy, who came to lots of concerts (…) She was someone who didn’t like to put herself forward, never a bad word, always with restraint and one day it twisted“, begins the singer. In fact, when he published a photo alongside his companion on social networks, the young fan changed her behavior and became very violent: “She lived more than an hour and a half from , she came to my house, she insulted us….” he confides. A situation from which the singer had a lot of difficulty extricating himself… Each time Olympe tried to cut it short by blocking her on social networks, the young woman created new fake accounts to continue to harass the singer, becoming more and more virulent: “Until the day I read from him ‘I’m going to run over you and I’m going to stab you 33 times’ (…) This is where I really started to get scared“, he explains to Faustine Bollaert.

It ends in insults” : Olympe confides in the big scare he had because of this fan

In the same show, Olympe testifies to having had a big scare when he met her again during a concert in . While he was signing autographs in front of his hotel, she arrived by car.while bombing“, he explains, and stops very close to him: “It starts with insults (…) I went into the hotel, the fans who were there went back too…“. A gesture too many for the singer who finally filed a complaint against her upon his return to Paris, a procedure supported by the testimony of the people present on the spot. The summons by the police made it possible to temper the situation since the The artist never heard from her again after these events: “I still had the police on the phone who told me ‘we received it, it’s very nice, we won’t follow up“, he explains. Olympe lived through this hell for three years, which forced him to move from town to settle in the North.




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