“Secret Story, the daily”: “What a pest!”, Lou reshuffles the cards of the game in his secret room

“Secret Story, the daily”: “What a pest!”, Lou reshuffles the cards of the game in his secret room
“Secret Story, the daily”: “What a pest!”, Lou reshuffles the cards of the game in his secret room

First awakening in the house of Secret Story after Lou’s false elimination. And Leo is still struggling to get over the departure of his false twin. Enough to annoy certain saved candidates, like Charlène. “He keeps saying we were saved because people thought Lou was going to be saved from afar so they didn’t vote for her”the young woman annoys.

But what she doesn’t know is that in her secret room, Lou sees and hears all the low masses of its former competitors. “It’s the seum in person. If we could have created the seum in a person, we would have brought it into being”she says alone in her room, talking about Charlene.

“Secret Story”: the revelations begin, and cast a chill

And the Marseillaise will have a new power which will have all its importance in Secret Story : she will have the possibility of broadcast the images of your choice among residents. In the revelation room, Lou already makes a first big choice.

She decides to reveal the betrayal of Zoé and Cassandra towards Charlene. The two women in fact voted against Francesca’s partner for the nominations, while denying having done so to the main interested party.

I saw two little pests, two little vicious people who are going to see their true faces revealed”, Lou is satisfied. A few minutes later, Charlène is invited by the Voice to view these same images. A real upheaval for the candidate.

” I am shocked. For them to lie straight to my face… I didn’t expect that at all, from either of them. I’m confused »


Once out, Charlène decides to announce this high treason to her two remaining allies in Secret Story, Francesca, then Justine. The latter cannot believe it and is convinced that Charlène is on a secret mission. “Stop lying Charlene. I can’t believe you”Justine repeats over and over. “Everything is wrong here. We are completely in the wrong clan”Charlène later admits.

Lou decides to eliminate Cassandra

This is not the only advantage that Lou will have. This week she will also be mistress of the house. The other inhabitants are informed that exceptionally, the master of the house of the week will be kept secret and not immune. A way to cover their tracks to prevent one of them from suspecting that Lou is still in the race and ready to pull the strings of the game.

Especially since she will be able to shake up the game from the start of the week thanks to a major decision: she will eliminate a resident of her choice! And the announcement is not long in coming… Lou decides to eliminate Cassandra adventure Secret Story. This secret decision risks creating an earthquake in the house.



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)