“There’s nothing better for kissing!” The funny confidences of Sonia Rolland and Béatrice de La Boulaye

“There’s nothing better for kissing!” The funny confidences of Sonia Rolland and Béatrice de La Boulaye
“There’s nothing better for kissing!” The funny confidences of Sonia Rolland and Béatrice de La Boulaye

Friday May 10, France 2 broadcasts two new episodes of the new fifth season of Criminal tropics, before offering only one more next week. If the heart of the series filmed in Martinique remains the police intrigues, the humor is always there. The proof again with these two episodes during which the heroines, impeccably played by Sonia Rolland and Béatrice de La Boulaye, play “Truth or Dare” and Mélissa will surprise her partners at her expense. Tasty.


In the first episode of the evening, Gaëlle and Aurélien (Julien Béramis) will be stunned by Mélissa’s attitude, impeccable in particular in her way of conducting interrogations. It’s the fault of the herbal tea concocted by her grandmother with which she has just reconnected. “It’s great because the authors know that Sonia [Rolland] has humor and comedy potential, begins Béatrice de La Boulaye, the interpreter of Crivelli met on the occasion of the return of the series. And as Mélissa is not really characterized like that, she is rather straight like justice, they always put her in situations that are not possible.”
As for whether Sonia Rolland is aware of her comedy potential, she answers: “I love it, I love to laugh and I love to make jokes but I also know how to deliver it at the right time, specifies the interpreter of Sainte-Rose. It’s not something I’m deploying right away, I need to explore whether it’s possible or not. I’ve met too many people and been through a lot to know that it’s not always possible, continues Sonia Rolland. I am still dependent on this public figure [Miss France] who we have known for years and which I find difficult to let go of but who nevertheless protects me. And which allows me, over time, to make known who I am. I like the idea of ​​not being completely accessible. It’s complicated to manage a public figure, because Miss France is one, and to give complete access to yourself. You have to know how to protect yourself. I do it because I know that otherwise I fall into the opposite excess: I become too accessible, so I no longer know how to manage, so I disappoint” concludes the bride-to-be.

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Criminal Tropics: “There’s nothing better for kissing!“The funny confidences of Sonia Rolland and Béatrice de La Boulaye

In the second new episode of the evening, Gaëlle, who has crashed into her boss’s house, and Mélissa play “Truth or Dare”. A game well known to teenagers and… to the two actresses!“I’ve often practiced it, ‘Truth or Dare’. Anyway, when you’re a teenager, there’s nothing better for kissing!” recognizes Sonia Rolland. “We take “action” for the shovel rolling, that we even look forward to it”, adds Béatrice de la Boulaye.
Despite everything, the former Miss France warns: “Be careful, you could come across the wrong person… I was more “truthful”, because as I am difficult to break through, people imagined that I had a lot of secrets when I didn’t at all. C “It’s just that I wasn’t being asked the right questions.” On the other hand, there is no doubt for his partner who concludes in a burst of laughter: “I was taking “action”. Definitely. Much more fun!”

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NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)