A bench of books, reading aloud

A bench of books, reading aloud
A bench of books, reading aloud

Sunday May 26, 2024

Toussaint Louverture Garden

Published on Tuesday May 7, 2024

As part of the National Day of Remembrance of the Trafficking, Slavery and Their Abolition and in tribute to Maryse Condé.

Since 2021, the company has been carrying out shared readings with residents of the Amandiers district on the roadside bench installed by the Toni Morrison Foundation in memory of the victims of slavery.

Come and sit on the “Bench by the side of the road”* and listen to the words of Toni Morrison and Maryse Condé read by the participants of the reading aloud workshop led by DockingCie.

Discover the thoughts of these two authors who address the themes of slavery and its consequences and make the forgotten people of history who founded American and French society speak.

Guest artists will accompany readers through dance, singing and music.

With :

The readers of the reading aloud workshop,

Isabelle Maurel (dance) and the dancers-dancers in her workshop,

Eddie Allen (percussion),

Kaloune (singing),

Emmanuelle Goizé (vocals),

Cécile Zanibelli (director),

Choir of the UNRPA (National Union of Retirees and Elderly People).


Sunday May 26, 2024 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)