“10 out of 10 – How much do you spend?” on TF1: Arthur at the helm of the adaptation of the successful board game

After taking the lead in “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” for two special shows, Arthur subjects his famous guests to an experience that he describes as “addicting” this Friday, October 4 at 9:10 p.m.

Candidates will need to properly self-assess before answering general knowledge questions in the hope of obtaining as many points as possible.

The host explains the mechanics of this unique French creation, which he produces with his company Satisfaction.

Board game enthusiasts are snapping it up. Arthur admits to having missed the madness surrounding “How much do you wear?” – “TTMC” for those in the know. “Six months ago at this time, I had never heard of it”recognizes the host. Sold in more than 600,000 copies in , this board game asks participants to rate themselves from 1 to 10 before answering general knowledge questions. Enough to determine the level of the question, from the simplest to the most difficult, but also the number of points gleaned. “I found this principle fantastic”adds the presenter who, with his production company Satisfaction, got closer to the French creators of the game, “brilliant little young people”to concoct a television version.


“When you look at the goose-shaped board and the show, you tell yourself that there is no connection. The only thing is this genius idea: from 1 to 10, you put how much? From this premise, we created three elimination rounds with different rules and a final with the two best candidates.Arthur details us behind the scenes of the recording of the two bonuses so far ordered by TF1. “TTMC” became “10 out of 10 – How much do you spend?”. “It’s the same type of questions as in other games but the packaging is different”notes the host, speaking of “themes never played on television”as “socks”, “canard” or “potatoes”.

At first they make jokes. By the second round, we can no longer hear them and by the third, they want to win!

Arthur on his famous candidates

Strange on paper, we agree. But the sauce really comes down to the participants and those who are just observing. “There are a lot of questions, it’s addictive”acquiesce Arthur. “I could hear everyone in the OB van playing rather than taking care of the show. I was waiting for information to know where my cameras were and I heard: ‘It’s B! B!’ ”

His goal? “Let the viewer not be bored, have fun and play with the family.” “We really wanted to differentiate ourselves from the ‘Grand Contest’ which has been a hit for 20 years”insists the host who nevertheless evokes the show formerly presented by Carole Rousseau on her own set. “There is the ‘Grand Concours’ jurisprudence. We put you away from the public so that you cannot cheat”he says to the ten personalities who came to rub shoulders with his new concept on this cool May afternoon.


In front of him, faces well known to TF1 viewers. On their backs, ten huge numbers, from 1 to 10, which light up throughout the game. “We only took players. There were two of them this afternoon who left slamming the door!”smiles Arthur who is forced to play “the old teachers” by calling his dissipated students to order. “When should you buzz?”Florent Peyre teases him even though he knows very well that there is no button to press. “And how much do you spend on technology?”continues Jean-Luc Lemoine, speaking to Chantal Ladesou who is so distracted that she forgets to press her touch screen to give the answer.

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“At the beginning, they joke one after the other. By the second round, we can no longer hear them and by the third, they want to win!”summarizes Arthur, noting a change of pace among his candidates. “What’s terrible about this show is that we spend our time saying: ‘But I knew it!’. It’s very annoying but that’s what it’s been since I’ve been doing television: we’ve always answers to other people’s questions”he emphasizes.

When we ask him what rating he would give to his adaptation from 1 to 10, he takes the time to think. “I will tell you that the day after the broadcast. All I can tell you is that I am very proud of my teams who did a tremendous job”he assures. Recalling that “80% of games on TV are foreign brands”he hammers home “very proud of made in France”. Behind the scenes that day, Americans came to watch the filming to possibly put an option on the program. How do you say “TTMC” in English again?




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NEXT Audiences at 8:45 p.m.: With Léon Marchand as the central guest, did Yann Barthès and “Quotidien” manage to blow up the scores last night on TMC?