The top 8 most beautiful libraries in the world

The top 8 most beautiful libraries in the world
The top 8 most beautiful libraries in the world

Looking for a book can become a Source of wonder, as some libraries around the world are true works of art.

Beyond simple book storage buildings, libraries are architectural and cultural gems that embody the quintessence of human knowledge and wisdom. Across the globe, some of these institutions stand out for their magnificence and their historical significance, attracting visitors from all over the world in search of inspiration and fascination. These sanctuaries of knowledge unfold in sumptuous settings, often combining remarkable architectural elements with a rich collection of manuscripts, parchments and old books. Their vast reading rooms, bathed in subdued light, invite contemplation and study, providing a refuge for minds eager for knowledge. Beyond their aesthetics, these libraries shelter a valuable cultural heritagepreserving literary treasures and historical documents that bear witness to the evolution of human thought through the ages. Their shelves are full of rare works and unique documents, constituting an inexhaustible Source of inspiration for researchers and literature enthusiasts. As the world moves toward a digital age, these libraries remain havens of tradition and knowledgeembodying the timeless value of books and reading in our society.

The library of the Benedictine Abbey of Admont, the eighth wonder of the world

When it was completed in 1776, the monastic library of the Benedictine abbey of Admont, in Austria, was so beautiful that it was considered the eighth wonder of the world. Its frescoes and gilding provide an exceptional setting for its approximately 200,000 works, including 1,400 manuscripts (the oldest dates back to the 8th century) and 530 incunabulaprinted works before 1500.

The Library of Congress, the best stocked

Open to the public, the reading room of the Thomas Jefferson Building is the jewel of the Library of Congress, in Washington. Serving as the American national library, it is the first in the world in number of references : more than 175 million, including 40 million books (two and a half times the BNF) and 77 million manuscripts. And some treasures, including one of the Gutenberg Bibles.

>> Here are pictures of the most beautiful libraries in the world

The Library of Tibetan archives and works, a memory in exile

Founded in 1970, eleven years later the Tibetan exodusthere Library of Tibetan Archives and Works contains the memory of a people: more than 120,000 manuscripts and books written in the Tibetan language, including 15,000 works on Tibet and Buddhism, and numerous sacred objects. It is located in Dharamsala, India.

The Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Zentrum, Germany’s largest open access library

All in rectilinear lines, the Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Zentrum East Germany’s largest open access library. Built in Berlin between 2005 and 2009, affiliated with Humboldt University, it houses 2.5 million works spread over 20,000 square meters. Particularly large and pleasant, the reading room is lit by a huge glass roof.

The Miami-Dade County Library District, mini libraries

Finding their origin at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Miami-Dade County Library District form a network of 50 small municipal libraries located throughout Miami-Dade County, Florida (United States). One of them is even located in a metro station. Together, they bring together 3.9 million works and are visited by 6.7 million people each year.

The National Library of Qatar, culture and design

Designed in 2018 in Doha by the famous Dutch architect Rem Koolhaasthere Qatar National Library (QNL) counts 500,000 digital books and more than a million physical works, some dating from the 15th century. At the heart of the QNL is the Heritage Library, which houses maps, manuscripts, periodicals and photos documenting the history of the region.

The Portuguese Royal Reading Cabinet, a feast for the eyes

In the center of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Portuguese Royal Reading Cabinet has the largest collection of Portuguese literature outside Portugal – around 350,000 works. Built in the 1880s, it was ranked fourth among the 20 most beautiful libraries in the world by the magazine Time in 2014.

THE libraries of Chinguetti, Sorbonne of the desert

On its own, the small Mauritanian town of Chinguetti (4,000 inhabitants) has no less than 13 libraries. They house books and manuscripts from the 12th and 13th centuries, left there by pilgrims on their way to Mecca or brought back during different journeys. Faced with the advance of the Sahara, the “Sorbonne of the desert” is threatened with silting up.

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⋙ Our libraries are full of hidden treasures!

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