Are recorded laughs from sitcoms effective?

Are recorded laughs from sitcoms effective?
Are recorded laughs from sitcoms effective?

SIf it was really funny, would we need to add recorded laughter? At the risk of offending fans of Friends or the French sitcom with Jamel Debbouze Hthe question arises. It seems that the series becomes even funnier thanks to these artificially added laughs. This perhaps encouraged Canal+ to reiterate the method with its series Terminallast April.

A study led by University College London (UCL) looked at laughter in American sitcoms, focusing on the effect of recorded laughter on the perception of humor. To do this, the researchers asked a professional comedian to tell 40 jokes considered mediocre or even bad. For example: “Which US state has the smallest drink?” The minisoda, for Minnesota of course. » Indeed, laughter is not guaranteed…

ALSO READ Why do we say “yellow laughter”? The 40 jokes were rated on a scale of 1 to 7 by a group of participants, before being presented to two new groups with added laughter: spontaneous (real) laughter and forced (recorded) laughter. The results showed that jokes accompanied by recorded laughter saw an average score increase of 10%, while those accompanied by spontaneous laughter saw a 15-20% increase in score.

Recorded laughter increases perceived humor

According to Sophie Scott, lead author of the study, this “shows that […] Read more



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