“It’s super dangerous”, Brice pinned by Internet users because of dangerous behavior

“It’s super dangerous”, Brice pinned by Internet users because of dangerous behavior
“It’s super dangerous”, Brice pinned by Internet users because of dangerous behavior

In episode 6 of the nineteenth season of L’Amour est dans le pré broadcast this Monday, September 23, 2024, a farmer particularly stood out among Internet users. This salt worker from Charente-Maritime was severely judged because of behavior deemed “dangerous” by many viewers.

On August 19, the famous dating show Love is in the meadow on M6 made its big comeback on the channel to the great delight of viewers. A launch during which we discovered the twelve candidates of this new edition (there were supposed to be fifteen at the start), ten men and two women who will try to find the shoe that fits them. While we have already attended the speed-dating in the previous episodes, Karine Le Marchand has already teased the results of this new season by stating that it was exceptional and that a marriage proposal had even taken place.

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If this new episode was marked by Manuela’s speed-dating, we also discovered the stays of Ludovic’s suitors, Valentin or Brice, the salt worker from Charente-Maritime. If at the end of the show, fans of the show were able to witness a dramatic turn of events with the departure of one of the farmers, it was above all the behavior of Brice who had been strongly courted at the time of receiving the letters that outraged Internet users. We explain!

Brice offends Internet users in Love is in the Meadow

If it was finally seven young women who had made the trip for Brice, a salt worker who lives in Charente, this very shy guy as he is presented in his portrait had called on his best friend Roxane to help him in his choice. It was finally Mélanie and Marion who were chosen by the farmer to come and spend a few days on his farm despite a chaotic start for Marion, 31, who had fainted during the speed-dating. In this new episode, we discover the first steps of Mélanie and Brice while Marion has not yet arrived.

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After spending a few minutes together during which Brice did not stop for a minute, he then asked his suitor to accompany him to pick up Marion. A car ride that unfortunately did not go unnoticed by Internet users. Indeed, while the two candidates got to know each other and talked about their aspirations and desires, Brice behaved in a way that sparked indignation on X (formerly Twitter): his way of driving.

Brice pinned for his driving style by Internet users

On his way to pick up Marion, Brice adopts a particularly bizarre position at the wheel of his car, it is with his left leg in the air resting on the door that the farmer drives his car. A position that Internet users quickly pointed out for its dangerousness. While some simply asked: ” Who drives with his leg like that? », others did not fail to remind him of the good rules: « Brice who drives with his knee on the door, what an idiot. It’s super dangerous », « We don’t put our left foot on the rearview mirror enough when we drive », « But why does he put his leg like that to drive? He’s crazy!! », « The driving position…. To be taught in all good driving schools » or even“Brice has a funny way of positioning his legs when he drives. Having kids, that wouldn’t reassure me at all.”

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One thing is for sure, the farmer will certainly hear about it!

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