Here is the list of ministers in Michel Barnier’s new government – ​​Libération

Here is the list of ministers in Michel Barnier’s new government – ​​Libération
Here is the list of ministers in Michel Barnier’s new government – ​​Libération

Two months and two weeks after the resignation of Gabriel Attal following the second round of the legislative elections, the Secretary General of the Elysée, Alexis Kohler, announced this Saturday evening, shortly before 8 p.m., the composition of the new government, which will be led by Prime Minister Michel Barnier.

Here are the 39 ministers, 19 full ministers, 15 delegate ministers and 5 secretaries of state of the first Barnier government, in protocol order and with their attachment. Emmanuel Macron will bring together this new Barnier government for a Council of Ministers on Monday at 3 p.m.

Full ministers

Didier MIGAUDKeeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice;

Catherine VAUTRINMinister for Partnership with the Territories and Decentralization;

Bruno RETAILLEAUMinister of the Interior;

Anne GENETETMinister of National Education;

Jean-Noël BARROTMinister for Europe and Foreign Affairs;

Rachida DATIMinister of Culture and Heritage;

Sébastien LECORNUMinister of the Armed Forces and Veterans;

Agnès PANNIER-RUNACHERMinister of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention;

Antoine ARMANDMinister of Economy, Finance and Industry;

Geneviève DARRIEUSSECQMinister of Health and Access to Healthcare;

Paul CHRISTOPHEMinister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men;

Valerie LETARDMinister of Housing and Urban Renewal;

Annie GENEVARDMinister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry;

Astrid PANOSYAN-BOUVETMinister of Labor and Employment;

Gil AVÉROUSMinister of Sports, Youth and Community Life;

Patrick HETZELMinister of Higher Education and Research;

Guillaume KASBARIANMinister of Civil Service, Simplification and Transformation of Public Action;

François-Noël BUFFETMinister to the Prime Minister, responsible for Overseas Territories;

Laurent SAINT-MARTIN, Minister to the Prime Minister, responsible for the Budget and Public Accounts.

The delegate ministers

To the Prime Minister and the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs:

Benjamin HADDADresponsible for Europe;

To the Prime Minister:

Nathalie DELATTREresponsible for Relations with Parliament;

Maud BREGEONGovernment spokesperson;

Marie-Claire CARRÈRE-GÉEresponsible for Government Coordination;

To the Minister for Partnership with the Territories and Decentralization:

Françoise GATELresponsible for Rurality, Commerce and Crafts;

François DUROVRAYresponsible for Transport;

Fabrice LOHER, responsible for the Sea and Fisheries;

To the Minister of the Interior:

Nicolas DARAGONresponsible for daily security;

To the Minister of National Education:

Alexandre PORTIERresponsible for Academic Success and Vocational Education;

To the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs:

Sophie PRIMASresponsible for foreign trade and French people abroad;

To the Minister of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention:

Olga GIVERNETresponsible for Energy;

To the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry:

Marc FERRACCIresponsible for Industry;

Marie-Agnes POUSSIER-WINSBACKresponsible for the Social and Solidarity Economy, Profit-sharing and Participation;

Marina FERRARIresponsible for the Tourism Economy;

To the Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men:

Agnès CANAYERresponsible for Family and Early Childhood.

The Secretaries of State

To the Minister of the Interior:

Othman NASROUresponsible for Citizenship and the Fight against Discrimination;

To the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs:

Thani MOHAMED SOILIHIresponsible for Francophonie and International Partnerships;

To the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry:

Laurence GARNIERresponsible for Consumption;

To the Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men:

Salima SAAresponsible for Equality between women and men;

To the Minister of Higher Education and Research:

Clara CHAPPAZresponsible for Artificial Intelligence and Digital.



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