“We are convinced that it will progress” Confident, France Télévisions reacts to the audience figures of the soap opera following its broadcast on France 3

“We are convinced that it will progress” Confident, France Télévisions reacts to the audience figures of the soap opera following its broadcast on France 3

Since Monday, September 9, 2024, Such a big sun is now broadcast on France 3. At 8:20 p.m., you can watch a rebroadcast of the previous day’s episode, then at 8:40 p.m., a new episode. What were the first audience figures? Did they live up to France Télévisions’ expectations?

Like fans ofSuch a big sun will have surely noticed, no episode of the daily soap opera on France 2 last night. And for good reason, since Monday September 9, 2024, the series has now taken up residence on France 3. The channel thus broadcasts every day of the week an episode in rerun of the day before at 8:20 p.m., followed by a new episode at 8:40 p.m. For its first audiences on its new channel, Such a big sun thus gathered respectively 1.03 million viewers for an audience share of 5.1% then 1.97 million people (9% PDA).There is a very nice audience curve between the rebroadcast of the previous day’s episode and the new episode.“, Emmanuel Garcia, deputy director of French fiction at France Télévisions, tells us.

Such a big sun : “We are convinced that the audience ofSuch a big sun will progress” explains the deputy director of French fiction at France Télévisions

After these first audiences, the reaction of the audiovisual group is positive: “We are very happy for France Télévisions overall since the audiences of France 2 and France 3 are more powerful, the audience of one has not been to the detriment of the other.“, underlines Emmanuel Garcia. Previously, France 3 broadcast To the games, citizens at 8:40 p.m., a program bringing together on average between 900,000 and 1 million people, almost half as many as the new episode ofSuch a big sun. “The change of channel allowed the series to become more regular and then to increase the audience of France 3. The slots on which the two episodes are broadcast are almost doubled.“, he specifies. And adds: “We are convinced that the audience ofSuch a big sun will progress.

Such a big sun : What audience is targeted for the series on France 3?

We will follow the evolution of the audiences day by day, week by week for the first month. But we have not set a deadline“, Emmanuel Garcia tells us. In any case, France Télévisions still has a long-term objective to aim for: “We would like to find the base of 2.6 million viewers present during the so-called ‘catch-up’ evenings in prime time on France 2, plus a new audience that we are trying to recruit.“Furthermore, fans of the daily soap opera can rest assured that there is no question of reducing the budget of their series or changing its artistic direction. And this change of channel does not herald a first step towards an end for Such a big sun : “Not at all, the soap opera has a very bright future ahead of it. This is not at all an idea that we could have sketched out when moving the soap opera from France 2 to France 3.


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