DayFR Euro

“He was an artist of great quality”, reacts the director of the opera

Argentine baritone Alejandro Meerapfel, 54, who lived in the city of , died of a heart attack Friday evening while performing on stage during the 44th edition of the Ambronay baroque festival, in Ain. In the process, the show was interrupted and the public evacuated, indicated our colleagues from the newspaper Progress.

In Dijon two days earlier

“Placed under the direction of Argentine conductor Leonardo García Alarcón, the Cappella Mediterranea ensemble and the Namur chamber choir were on stage in the abbey when a singer fell ill,” they said. explain. “Despite the intervention of emergency services, Alejandro Meerapfel, baritone of the baroque music ensemble Capella Mediterranea, died. »

Of Argentine nationality, “the singer Alejandro Meerapfel was born in Spain and lived in , in Côte-d’Or”. Only two days ago, he posed, on his social networks, in a photo in Dijon, in front of the Notre-Dame church, with a comment, in Spanish: “Coming back is always wonderful! I love them “. A photo of a word “ Welcome Papa (welcome dad, editor’s note)” also accompanied the publication.

A show broadcast live

As recounted Progress , “at the time of the tragedy, Ambronay Abbey was full”. “Between 750 and 800 people attended the concert which was immediately interrupted. The emergency services intervened around 9:45 p.m. and “the public was quickly evacuated and a request for possible psychological support for the troops was also transmitted to center 15”, according to the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis ) of Ain, Saturday morning. “The show was also broadcast live by France Télévisions in the show Culturebox. The broadcast was also immediately interrupted. The Ambronay festival, which is one of the major European baroque events each year, takes place from September 15 to October 8. »

A talented, friendly and courageous man»

Contacted by telephone, Dominique Pitoiset, the current general and artistic director of the Dijon opera, reacted to this death, saying “very saddened“. “This is terrible news. The entire Dijon opera team is upset.»And to add: “The Dijon Opera will be present alongside his family.» Dominique Pitoiset also wanted to express his deep respect for Alejandro Meerapfel, “a talented, friendly and courageous man“. “He was an artist of great quality, a pleasant and intelligent man.» The general and artistic director of the Dijon opera also explained that Dijon, where Alejandro Meerapfel had lived for several years, was “a city to which he was attached“.


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