the essential
Thursday January 23, at the Serres-Castet stadium, near Pau, two military Rugby teams competed in a match for the benefit of wounded army personnel.
The stands were well filled for the occasion. The two garrisons, Pau and Tarbes, had selected the best of their players for this match, filled with emotion and commitment.
Rugby: a committed sport
Soldiers often find themselves in this sport, both for commitment, sharing and solidarity. Also, regiments generally have a team that they play as amateurs in tournaments or friendly, federal or military meetings. Thursday evening, the match was special, a bit like a Béarno-Bigourdan derby, opposing two garrisons who know each other, like each other, and share many missions.
In sport, they also often face each other and measure themselves against each other. Tonight, the cause was good and worth the match. There was commitment and solidarity, both on the ground, in the stands and in hearts, since the meeting was for the benefit of the wounded in the army.
The wounded, integral parts of the units
The wounded are part of the units. Everyone knows what they owe them. They are the memory of yesterday’s battles, they are proof of the commitment of all, in the service of a cause that goes beyond them. Camaraderie or brotherhood of arms are not simple expressions, they go far beyond for the soldier engaged in operations. Lives are linked, risks shared and accepted, the cause is worth it.
When misfortune strikes one or the other, it is unity that is affected, forever. This match with the wounded and their families in the stands, comrades and their memories, and on the field soldiers who play as one fights, committing themselves totally, to the rules but for victory reminded everyone of these values common to the men, of all ranks, when duty calls. They played for their wounded as when they fought alongside them.
-A palpable emotion
If rugby were sung, in France everything would start with the Marseillaise. The one that rang out at the Serres-Castet stadium this Thursday evening was one of those that leaves its mark on hearts and minds.
The soldiers and their families, in the stands and on the stadium, put their “guts” into singing this anthem, which has always transported them into their lives, their commitments and their sacrifices.
This anthem that they sang in Africa, in the Middle East, in the Balkans and which each time reminds them of this country that they cherish and serve at the risk of their lives.
This anthem which unites these men, coming from the four corners of France, and sees them commit themselves sometimes even beyond duty, always in honor and in the service of their country, of their leader, of a comrade of a noble cause. Lots of emotion at the start of the match in and around the stadium, for a “recognition” match rather than a gala one.
This recognition to those who left a part of themselves on the battlefield. The cause was noble, the result didn’t matter, the fight was for the wounded.
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