Faced with recurring complaints from users about the cost of tickets, Alain Krakovitch, director of TGV-Intercités, wanted to defend the pricing policy of the SNCF. It highlights control of price increases, benefits for regular users and investments to modernize the railway fleet.
“Prices are increasing less quickly than costs”
Train ticket prices are a source of dissatisfaction for many travelers. During an interview given to West FranceAlain Krakovitch, director of TGV-Intercités at SNCF Voyageurs, wanted to respond to these criticisms. « I understand this feeling, but I find it a little unfair “, he said.
According to him, ticket prices are increasing half as fast as the costs of operating and maintaining infrastructure. Thus, for 2025, the average price increase will be limited to 1.5%, a level equivalent to that of inflation. In 2024, prices increased by 2.6% while costs increased by 5%.
The director also stressed that this feeling of an excessive increase mainly affects travelers who buy their tickets at the last minute. He invites you to consider the economic alternatives offered by the SNCF, such as Ouigo trains and the Avantage card, which offers reductions for an annual cost of 49 euros. This card allows access to capped tickets: 49 euros for short journeys, 69 euros for medium and 89 euros for long ones. Alain Krakovitch also assured that these ceilings would remain unchanged in 2025.
SNCF pricing policy
To determine its prices, SNCF uses the yield management system, which favors users purchasing their tickets well in advance or traveling at off-peak times. “ This system makes it possible to offer low prices thanks to financing provided by those who travel during peak hours “, explained Alain Krakovitch. Prices are organized into twenty levels, thus offering a wide range of prices adapted to different traveler profiles.
-Furthermore, the director recalled that ticket revenues are used not only to cover operating costs, but also to finance significant investments. Among these projects is the arrival of 115 new trains from the end of 2025-beginning of 2026. The Ouigo train fleet will also be strengthened, with an increase from 38 to 50 trains planned by 2027.
With these arguments, Alain Krakovitch hopes to appease critics and highlight the efforts made by the SNCF to combine price accessibility and modernization of the rail network.
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