Every day, find the weather forecast for the main cities of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Corsica and their immediate surroundings on the special Nice-Presse page.
Today, scattered rains will provide some coolness.
Today, Monday January 20
Bad weather and sporadic precipitation will be present in Nice today. 8°C at least and 10°C at most will be the temperatures. A northeast breeze of 13 km/h will bring moderate winds. In the morning, outside temperatures will be around 9°C. The sky will not be clear between Monday and Tuesday. Scattered rain is indeed forecast during the night which will therefore be gloomy.
Weather forecast in Nice tomorrow
The city will experience several improvements during the day on Tuesday. The thermometer will equal 9°C. A weak wind of 6 km/h from the north will cool the air. It will be around 9°C in the morning. In the afternoon, the weather will clear up somewhat. Values will approach 8°C in the evening.
-Weather in Nice for the next few days
An improvement is expected for the following days, with sunny skies. In terms of temperatures, these will be 9°C.
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