DayFR Euro

Chauray crushes the leader Basket Landes and takes the lead

Chouray: 77
Landes: 54

The clash between leader Basket Landes and his runner-up Chauray came to an end. Superior at address, explosive inside and with an iron defense, the Deux-Sévrian team corrected the young Basket Landes team.

A very solid performance for the promoted team, a week after beating Lamboisières-Martin (82-76), again at home. “ The team takes first place and regains the goal average (seven-point defeat in the first leg, 83-76). It’s a good operation. »

“I don’t care about my performance. The important thing is the collective. »

An operation where the long-awaited duel inevitably disappointed. At kick-off, Basket Landes was deprived of four elements and could do nothing against Minata Fofana. The 38-year-old Ivorian pivot torpedoed the visiting defense and was skillful under the racket (25 points including 15 in the first period).

« I don’t care about my personal score and my performance. The important thing is the collective. I’m happy because the team won », summed up with frankness the one who participated in six African Championships.

The number 18 was also useful in rebounding. “ She did Minata, savored his trainer. Luckily we have it. » If Fofana’s individual performance is necessarily to be remembered, the Chaisonian collective, still deprived of Leslie Matanga, was not left out.

A first gap was to be highlighted at the start of the second quarter (34-21) after a three-point shot from Flavie Rabaud. The second, shortly after half-time, where Rabaud again distinguished himself (54-28). Finally, Baron then Dimithe had the biggest gap (27 points) at the start of the fourth (67-40, 69-42).


Three younger girls including two 15-year-old girls

Faced with the local athletic density, the leader Basket Landes lost his means and even missed easy baskets. On the pitch, Diallo even expressed his dismay to his coach Vincent Joly.

« There were big defensive errors and several three-point baskets given as before halftime (38-27, 48-28), regretted the director of the training center. It’s not possible to concede so many points in the first half. »

But the Boulangère Wonderligue hopeful team had mitigating circumstances with this cascade of absentees. “ Three cadets, including two fifteen-year-old girls, started the meeting. » And faced with the neo leader, the step was necessarily too high.

The technical sheet

The quarters : 22-17, 26-11, 15-12, 14-14.
: MM. Chion et Bernard.
Chouray : Martingoulet (12), Gribi (9), Rabaud (11), Dieng (cap) (8), Fofana (25). Puis: Caloux (2), Baron (2), Dimithe (8). Entraîneur: Sullivan Cazalon.
Basketball Landes : Darrieutort (12), Diallo (7), Uriarte (15), Caille-Allah-Rabaye (4), N’Diaye (cap) (6). Then: Dumont, Poussade (4), Barka (2), Lambert (4). Coach: Vincent Joly.


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