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Licra : Conference “Anti-Semitism, yesterday and today” – Licra

Wednesday, December 18, the municipal theater of hosted a conference on anti-Semitism led by Norbert Levinger of the LICRA du Roannais, with Vincent Duclert, historian, author of “Alfred Dreyfus, the honor of a patriot” and Alain David philosopher and member of the executive board of LICRA. This evening, with an audience of 120 people, was organized by the Roanne section.

After a presentation of the work of Vincent Duclert and his interest in genocides and more particularly those of Rwanda and Armenia, Alain David gave him the floor. The historian based his presentation on the commitment of intellectuals to Dreyfus, which then led to a civic upsurge in society.
Today, anti-Semitism is unfortunately still present and is on a worrying scale in . This “modern” anti-Semitism is not the least: small anti-Semitic groups among the yellow vests also in minority currents among the anti-vaxxers and in radical Islamism. The crisis in the Middle East only aggravates this anti-Semitism by creating amalgamations between this conflict and the situation of the Jews of France.
“We cannot be complacent towards anti-Semitism which is a perversion of the human being,” concludes Vincent Duclert.
The quality of this conference was remarkable and enhanced by a moment of discussion afterwards with the public. Thanks to Vincent Duclert and Alain DAVID for this magnificent evening.
Let us not forget that the fight against anti-Semitism and racism and discrimination remains our priority and the fight will not stop.

Brigitte DEVAUX.


No. 689 – The DDV • Informational disorder: A threat to democracy – Fall 2023 – 100 pages



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