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What impact will the French Don’t Nod strike have on the industry?

The video game publisher Don’t Nod is currently having to deal with the strike of its employees. And this could have serious consequences.

The video game industry is shaking right now. And for good reason: the strike affecting the Don’t Nod studio notably caused its shares to fall on the stock market, but the impact could be even more significant. MCE tells you everything from A to Z!

Strikes are becoming more and more numerous

At present, it is clear that the working conditions of many employees are far from satisfying them. And for good reason: we saw that strikes were much more frequent than before, and that they affected many professional circles.

Last December, for example, we looked at the impact of the December 5 strike pour school, middle school and high school. There is no doubt that this protest movement will leave many traces…

A few months ago we also learned that medical analysis laboratories were closed due to a strike. As you will have understood, this does not only concern the railway sector, far from it…

This summer, airports were not spared from the threats of strikes before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Fortunately, air traffic was able to ensure the continuous flow of visitors.


At the same time, we saw that Lidl stores risked being closed due to a major strike. Which would be a real blow for the hard-discount firm.

And finally, know that these strikes also affect the video game industry. This is particularly the case with GTA 6 which suffered the protest of the game actors.

But then, what about the French studio Don’t Nod ? What will be the consequences of this massive strike on the market? MCE TV tells you more!

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