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with “Libé”, a little more than ads – Libération

When Libé opens to publicity, on February 16, 1982, Serge July cracks a “open letter to advertisers” in the very columns of the newspaper, titled as follows: “Be inventive.” The event is not so much that the ad appears in the pages of the daily newspaper, it would rather be, he explains, that “advertising in Liberation becomes an event in itself, it constitutes an exceptional opportunity for all agency creatives to redeploy advertising creativity”. Difficult to find someone who will have taken more control of the council than Oliviero Toscani. In the 90s, the Benetton double pages, placed in the center of the newspaper, were much more than an ad. Libé is for them an ideal setting and they become posters, collected as such (you can still find them for sale on the Internet, isolated from the rest of the newspaper which contained them). We remember the colorful condoms, the stark look on a black background, the baby still with his cord, the “HIV positive” tattooed bodies which will cause a scandal. But above all of this double page, published exclusively in LibéJune 9, 1993: 56 female and male sexes, of all ages, all colors, all shapes, all sizes


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