The debate on the application or cancellation of the stormy pension reform, enacted in 2023 despite a strong protest social movement, is not close to being resolved.
Prime Minister François Bayrou will deliver his general policy declaration on Tuesday, and could make a gesture towards the left on this reform, in order to try to secure a non-censorship agreement. But the centrist must face strong resistance in the “common base” which supports him, the President of the Senate Gérard Larcher (LR) having conveyed in Le Parisien a “clear message”, “neither suspension nor repeal”.
The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, affirmed on Sunday “not to be opposed in principle” to the fact of briefly “stopping” the pension reform to “re-discuss” it, while the PS calls for a “suspension » of the 2023 reform for the price of non-censorship of the government.
“What suits me is that we talk again. Afterwards, if we have to stop to discuss again with a very short cycle of discussions, I am not opposed to it in principle, but what I want in these cases is that we really agree on “to really put things on the table during these six months of discussion and that we all commit to really discussing,” she said, guest on Political Questions on France Inter.
-The reform “is not perfect”, and even “unfair”, and “there are many subjects to still be discussed”, whether on arduousness, long careers or women’s pensions, she said. underlined, without explicitly calling for a “suspension” of the pension reform.
On the socialist side, Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Party, did not hesitate to let the word go. He said on Sunday that he expected Prime Minister François Bayrou to make it Tuesday during his general policy declaration (DPG). But for the socialist, the government’s efforts are not yet sufficient and the lights are far from being green. Without this commitment on the part of François Bayrou, the question of censorship becomes inevitable. “As it stands, indeed, we would censor, but my personal wish and that of the socialists is not to seek to censor for the sake of censoring,” he said.
For his part, former President François Hollande called on France 3 to open negotiations “as soon as possible” with the social partners and at the same time to suspend the “most negative effects” of the pension reform. , among them the increase in the starting age from 62 to 64 years.
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