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what weather and temperatures on Saturday January 4?

Every day, find the weather forecast for the main cities of Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’Azur, Corsica and their immediate surroundings on the special -​Presse page.

Scattered precipitation will cool the ground today.

Today, Saturday January 4

It will be cold in Nice today, with some scattered precipitation. It will be at least 7°C and at most 10°C. In the morning, an open sky will light up the city. Temperatures will be around 8°C. Some diffuse precipitation will bring coolness and humidity in the afternoon. The stars will light up the sky, giving the city a cloudless night.

Weather forecast in Nice tomorrow

Some clearings will appear during the day on Sunday. The outside temperature will be approximately 10°C. A light, discreet northeast breeze will blow, at 4 km/h. Temperatures will stabilize around 9°C in the morning. We will be able to enjoy some improvements during the afternoon. The sporadic rains that will fall in the evening will cool the ambient atmosphere somewhat. Outside temperatures will be around 11°C.

Weather in Nice for the next few days

The weather will be irregular in the following days.


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