DayFR Euro

one last look at 2024

Photo archives Valérie Wackenheim

Benfeld – Kertzfeld: the centuries-old oak is no longer

In mid-November, in the forest between Benfeld and Kertzfeld, the king of kings bowed out. The log of this centuries-old oak resulting from natural regeneration before the French Revolution reached eight meters high with a central diameter of one meter and fifty.

Although it had been hammered (dedicated to harvesting) twice in the mid-1970s, elected officials, loggers and agents of the National Forestry Office (ONF) had finally decided to leave it standing.

Photo archives Jean-Paul Kaiser

Rhinau: the banks being renatured near the fish pass

The work on the fishway at the Rhinau hydroelectric power station, which began in October 2022, continued throughout the year. Construction of the civil engineering works was completed this summer. The cabling of these various installations was then carried out.

The renaturation of the surroundings of this new equipment, i.e. an area of ​​7,200 m2was also carried out: 450 shrubs were planted. A protected flower, the hybrid minuartie, has been saved and returned to its original environment.

Photo archives Valérie Wackenheim


Erstein: an Atlas for biodiversity

The Biodiversity Atlas was launched in August by the Erstein municipality ahead of the Environment House project. The objective? Draw up an inventory of the fauna, flora and fungus of its territory, including urbanized areas.

This collection was entrusted to different bodies such as the Botanical Conservatory of Alsace-Lorraine, the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO) or the Bufo association.

Photo archives Darek Szuster

Daubensand – Kogenheim – Sand: the green brigades on the ground

Since mid-April, agents of the green brigade have been crisscrossing the towns of Kogenheim, Sand and Daubensand. Main missions of these field guards attached to the operational post: monitor natural environments, roads, fight against pollution, fires and nuisances, control hunting and fishing.

Photo archives Valérie Wackenheim

Erstein country: Green and blue network: diagnosis and visits

As part of its climate plan, the CCCE responded to the Green and Blue Network call for projects. The first phase took place in 2024. It consisted of carrying out a diagnosis which will lead to modeling and then an action plan.

Field trips (here in Hipsheim, in photo) also took place to present actions in favor of biodiversity to elected officials.


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