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He had visited several luxury boutiques in Monaco, a man sentenced to two months in prison for theft

During the months of May, September and December, the Louboutin, Nocibé, Marje Enfance and Dolce & Gabbana boutiques, located in the Métropole shopping center and neighboring streets, were victims of several thefts or attempted thefts. Belts, perfumes, t-shirts, jackets, etc. had, in fact, disappeared from the stalls and caused damage totaling 3,000 euros.

Following complaints and cross-checking with video surveillance recordings, Public Security investigators were able to identify the criminal whose description corresponds to a 40-year-old Latvian national, living simultaneously in and with a partner in Beausoleil.

This character from the Baltic States, tried in immediate appearance and arrived detained in the box, immediately showed imagination, inventiveness and other risk-taking to minimize his role in the offenses with which he is accused. He even requests the closed session. Denied! We don’t force ourselves into court! Faced with this denial of responsibility, the warning from President Jérôme Fougeras Lavergnolle on the aggravation of the sentence tends to the confessions of the accused for thefts intended for gifts.“Such valuable gifts when you don’t have money replied the magistrate,

Isn’t that incomprehensible?”

File by Interpol The litigant claims not to have focused on prices. A handrail, removed in 2023, also overwhelms him: no memory… Then a sentence immediately resonates:“You came to the Principality with the intention of stealing considers the president. Are you not part of a network that places orders by opting last December 22 for the Nocibé and Marje Enfance boutiques? Did you have 500 euros on you?”

The detainee denies belonging to a clandestine organization. It’s all caused by a malfunction of his bank card. Incredulous, the judge will argue in order to get the guilty party to admit all the offenses.

“At Louboutin, last May, you stole belts. Why? Was it not yet the end-of-year gift season?

To resell them. I needed money.

In September, at Dolce & Gabbana, you tried to open a drawer…

I didn’t take anything. As I was in the store, the police deduced that I was trying to mow down…

You have established yourself permanently in the region since November 2024. However, you have been subject to a ban on French territory since August 5, 2024 and registered by Interpol, again for theft. You were sentenced to three years in prison in Latvia. What do you live on? Who is your employer whose name you have hidden?

I work undeclared in construction in Saint-Tropez. I didn’t want my boss to know…” For prosecutor Christine Mutiloa,

“Monsieur is ashamed and finally admits the facts. At his hearing, he disputed everything. He lied to get out of it. A few hours before the holidays, this file reveals a professional who locates prestigious places to steal profitable products. I request two months in prison, ten years of ban on Monegasque territory and continued detention.” To defend her client, Me Violaine Rapaire reports a controlled pleading.

“This man has no declared job and the fact of having confessed to the alleged facts demonstrates the desire to take control of himself. His thefts are more stupidity than bad intentions. Be merciful.”

If the forty-year-old asked for the court’s leniency so as not to return to prison, the college followed the requisitions of the public prosecutor by only reducing the ban on Monegasque territory to five years.

* Assessors: Thierry Deschanels and Patrice Fey.


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