This month of January 2025 marks a turning point for Algeria, which succeeds the United States in the rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council. This strategic position, although brief, offers Algiers an unprecedented opportunity to project its influence on the international scene.
Taking office in a tumultuous period
At a time when the world is facing major geopolitical crises — from Ukraine to the Middle East to Africa — the Algerian presidency comes at a critical time. For a month, Algeria will chair the debates and guide the work of the most powerful body of the UNin a context marked by deep divisions between the great powers.
Algiers announced its intention to organize, at ministerial level, the quarterly public debate of the Security Council on “The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question”. Algeria will call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, accompanied by a peaceful resolution process: “The time has come to give the Palestinian people the legitimate rights to establish their independent state”said Ahmed Attaf, Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The notable absence of Western Sahara: a strategic choice?
One point, however, attracted attention: the absence of Western Sahara in the agenda announced by Algeria. This question, although crucial in Algerian foreign policy, has been put aside for this presidency. Moroccan media AsIs did not fail to point this out: “However, for the moment, the Sahara issue is not included on the Council’s agenda. “, although this is a major sticking point with Morocco. This omission could reflect a deliberate strategy. By avoiding raising such a controversial issue, Algiers seems to be seeking to preserve the neutrality and balance necessary for an effective presidency.
-Putting Africa and the Middle East at the heart of the debates
As part of its presidency, Algeria also plans to hold a high-level meeting dedicated to the fight against terrorism in Africa. This meeting aims to “discuss the expansion of terrorist activities in Africa and the threats they represent for the security and stability of African countries”said Ahmed Attafduring his press conference on Monday. These guidelines reflect Algeria’s ambition to position itself as a defender of the causes of the peoples of the South, while consolidating its role as a bridge between the African continent, the Arab world and world powers.
A golden opportunity for Algeria
The presidency of the Security Council is certainly a forum of choice, but it does not guarantee decisive power. Tensions between permanent members, particularly on topics like Ukraine or nuclear proliferationlimit the room for maneuver of rotating presidencies.
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