For Martine, Daniel and Christelle D. victims of the explosion in their home in Salies-du-Salat on December 5, after the desolation of seeing the work of a lifetime destroyed in a few seconds, the hope and plans of the future is reborn.
Already some news about their health: Daniel, who suffered second-degree burns, is slowly recovering from his injuries and has been able to return to his loved ones. Martine and Christelle are doing well, even if, and we can only understand this, the trauma remains great and sleep is difficult to come. But the family is well aware that they are miraculous victims of what could have ended more dramatically.
As soon as the damage was noted, solidarity was put in place: a prize pool was organized during the comic book festival, the town hall also announced that it would receive all donations from individuals and that it could put housing at available at the Salatines residence. Today the mother wanted, through La Dépêche, to thank all the people who showed their solidarity: her family, individuals, the municipality, the firefighters and the gendarmerie: “how am I going to manage to thank all these people? I didn't expect all this generosity”, declared, moved, Martine.
After all the insurance declarations, the retrieval of documents via the internet, because it was impossible to venture into the collapsed house, the visit of the experts, finally some good news: tomorrow the family will be able to move into new accommodation, after having were welcomed by their parents in Mazères-sur-Salat. Everyone hopes that Daniel will be back home by the end of the year. However, a new call for generosity is launched because the new house is very empty. Thank you to those who can provide them with some furniture, household appliances, dishes, linen, etc. And even if Martine and Christelle will have plenty to do in the days to come, a little relaxation will be welcome. “I had prepared a whole bunch of greeting cards, with pearls, like I do every year,” explains Martine. “Everything is lost, there must be plenty of pearls in the house.” So, ladies fans of creative hobbies, a call is launched to provide them with beads, cards, drawing paper pockets, sewing, etc. Something to brighten up their day a little.
The Salies-du-Salat town hall remains the relay point for donations and information: 35 Boulevard Jean Jaurès, 05 61 90 53 26.
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