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“What is this cut?”, this photo of Marine broadcast during the prime which greatly embarrassed her

Between show and embarrassing moments, the prime of the Star Academy of December 28 offered its share of surprises. But it was Marine, in a duet with Lorie, who marked the evening with a hilarious archive photo which triggered fits of laughter and uneasiness live.

The premium of the Star Academy of December 28 was… sporty for the students. Crazy performances, top guests… and a very embarrassing moment for Marine. While she had just sang on stage alongside Lorie with the hit I will be (your best friend)an old photo of her and her friend Caroline was thrown on the screen.

Marine facing her hair past

Imagine: you're in the middle of a show, you're singing with Lorie, everything's going… and bam! A photo of you as a teenager with a more than questionable haircut appears in XXL behind you. Marine’s reaction? Authentic. “ What is this cut? “, she said, to the laughter of the audience and Nikos. And frankly, we sympathize. Marine, embarrassed and amused, went on to explain that the image dated from her early friendship with Caroline, her best friend who accompanied her on stage. A moment that was both funny and human, which added a good dose of spontaneity to the evening.

A week of pressure

This sequence did not erase the tension of the week. With the theme “Carte blanche”, the academicians had to manage everything: evaluations, bonuses, stress… the whole lot. Ebony and Charles, armored by their immunity, were able to relax, but Marguerite, Ulysse, Franck and Marine had to bare their fangs.

Marguerite and Ulysses have been named nominees. To save themselves, they gave everything during the prime: Marguerite chose the heartbreaking Corps of Yseult, while Ulysses bet on U Turn (Lily) by Aaron. And for this week's novelty, a carte blanche of 1 min 30, Marguerite released a text by Prévert, while Ulysse released a personal composition.


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