In the daily life of Star Academy broadcast this Saturday, December 28, 2024, Ulysses met Ben l'Uncle Soul. The young Southerner took the opportunity to reveal behind the scenes of this week marked by a little competition between him and Franck. We'll explain!
This week, the candidates of the Star Academy were able to take their destiny into their own hands. And this Saturday, December 28, 2024, it is they who will be at the helm of this new bonus which promises to be once again rich in emotion and surprise for viewers. And while Marguerite and Ulysse are in the hot seat, they are still entitled to share a duet with famous artists just like their other comrades who escaped the nomination.
Earlier in the week, upon learning that Ben l'Uncle Soul was going to be on set, Franck and Ulysses jumped for joyboth hoping that the duo would return to them. But finally, upon learning that his adventure companion was nominated, Franck decided to give him a little gift by giving him the privilege of singing on the hit Soulman with the artist. “I think the fact of being nominated might have worked in my favor. He was able to say to himself 'lucky if he leaves this weekend, at least I give him this duet'. That's all good, I only have songs that are really good at first, I'm so happy“, Ulysses reacted.
Ulysses (Star Academy): his confidences during his meeting with Ben l'Uncle Soul
This gesture was obviously welcomed by Internet users. Thus, in the daily broadcast this Saturday, December 28, 2024 on TF1, Ulysse met the singer. On the sidelines of his rehearsals with the artist, the young southerner explained how fierce the competition had been with Franck. “I'm so happy because I really wanted to do this song and we fought a lot with Franck (….) I'm so happy to have fought, it was so worth it”he said, very happy to have the opportunity to measure himself against the talent of the soul star. An anecdote which did not fail to amuse the singer of the hit Is it you?
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