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Today’s horoscope, December 18th

What awaits us today, December 18, according to the Zodiac.

Aries: Try dedicating a few hours to your favorite hobby: from painting… to series marathons!

Tour: Getting up today will be really complicated, strength and courage because beautiful surprises await you outside the bed!

Twins: You will live the day with the right spirit and an excellent mood. Your positivity will influence others too.

Cancer: There’s little to do today, you can’t wait to close everything and go home to take refuge under the covers!

Leone: Your impatience could make those around you nervous. Slow down and avoid insisting too much…

Virgin: If your habits are boring you, you should step out of your comfort zone. Be more courageous.

Balance: Stop always reacting in a melodramatic way, remember that your life is not a romantic movie.

Scorpio: It will be really difficult for you to make any kind of decision today. Put off what you can until tomorrow!

Sagittarius: Be honest with your partner, even if it might hurt him. It is better to speak clearly than to be mysterious.

Capricorn: A good gesture could turn the wind in your favor. Don’t underestimate the power of kindness.

Acquarium: Not everyone thinks like you, remember this well, today you could annoy more than one person close to you.

Pesci: Don’t be afraid to express your ideas, today they could really revolutionize your day!

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