This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press – suivi
The National Police in the province of Jaén arrested 9 people aged 18 to 63, in an operation called “Al-Rosita”.
According to Spanish media, six of the detainees belong to the same family, and one of them is a doctor who practices medicine at a health center in the town of Linares.
According to what the representative of the Spanish government in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández, declared, the detainees were storing a medicine containing the active ingredient benzodiazepine with the aim of exporting it to Morocco, where this compound, along with hashish or gum, is processed. . in a drug called “qarqoubi”.
The process began in the middle of last year when it was discovered that 56 boxes of the drug were being sold in a pharmacy and that they had been purchased by the same family.
“. The police confiscated 2,160 tablets prescribed by the arrested doctor, as well as €18,000 in cash.
The operation was carried out in coordination with the Ministry of Health and the National Commission of Local Police of Linares.
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