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Israel takes advantage of the fall of Al-Assad to activate its agent Ferhat Mehenni

Mossad agent Ferhat Mehenni in , . DR

By Houari A. – The rogue state of Israel, which has just overthrown President Bashar Al-Assad through its Islamist armed wing Tahrir Al-Sham, intends to take advantage of this “victory” in Syria, where it literally wiped out the armed forces Syrians, to turn towards Algeria which shows him some green and unripe things on the diplomatic and judicial levels. To do this, the Nazi regime in Tel Aviv activated its agent Ferhat Mehenni who increased the number of outings in France, concomitantly with the events shaking the Middle East.

The self-proclaimed president of Kabylia is invited by several French media, strangely in this specific context, to reiterate his separatist speech and his whining about the fate reserved for the “oppressed Kabyle minority” in Algeria. The former singer converted to politics, subscribing to a racist extremist allegiance, has gone further in his activism in recent days. According to him, the independence of Kabylia, which is inevitable, is near. What gives him so much confidence?

The to burn explains to the French that “only a Kabyle state can maintain balance in the region”. His message is clear: we are the Tahrir Al-Sham of the western part of the Mediterranean, arm us and we will destroy Algeria for you like your Islamist groups did in Syria!

It is from France that the leader of this movement, considered terrorist in Algeria and claimed by the Algerian justice system, acts under the protection of the French secret services because of the plots of which the French ambassador in Algiers was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. French provocations against Algeria are increasing and everything indicates that the outgoing president Emmanuel Macron – there is more and more talk of his inevitable resignation in the event of censorship by the Bayrou government – ​​was instructed by the powerful Zionist lobby to devote the months or years that remain to him at the head of a dying France to pursuing warlike aims against recalcitrant Algeria.

The sponge Ferhat Mehenni will obviously fail in this bad vaudeville, where he excels in the role of the barefoot comedian.

H. A.



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