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“Sufficient” but “overused” parking spaces win the Champignac d’or 2024 –

Patrick Herrmann wins the Champignac d’or 2024. Then municipal councilor of La Chaux-de-Fonds, he stood out for his declaration in ArcInfo: “There are quite enough parking spaces in La Chaux-de-Fonds. The problem is that too many people use them.”

This is the second consecutive year that an elected official from the Chaux-de-Fonier executive has won this distinction, since Théo Bregnard won the 2023 edition. Patrick Herrmann received the golden plaster statuette reserved for the winner on Saturday.

The silver Champignac goes to Federal Councilor Guy Parmelin. The Vaudois is rewarded for having declared “We have to start at the beginning” on the airwaves of RTS-La Première. The Federal Councilor thanked the organizers for this distinction through a short video.

Three “rising stars of champignacism” were also distinguished during the awards ceremony on Saturday in Lausanne in the Basta bookstore! Fabrice Moscheni, UDC deputy on the Vaudois Grand Council, obtains the mention “Unique uniqueness” for his quote in Le Temps: “Being the only university in Lausanne, UNIL will undoubtedly remain the best university in Lausanne.”

>> Reread: “Gender-neutral toilets, recognition of a need” receives the Champignac 2023

25 candidates

Another member of the Vaudois Grand Council, the Green Géraldine Dubuis, wins the mention “Muscular contagion”. During a session of the Vaud Parliament, she declared: “Let’s tax sugar to finance the fight against non-transmissible diseases through sport.”

Finally, the former editor-in-chief of L’Hebdo and Le Temps, Eric Hoesli, won the “Special Operation” mention. He declared in the columns of Le Temps: “For the rest, the long-lasting war to which Russia was forced due to the resistance of the Ukrainians and the massive support given to NATO, the United States and the EU, will certainly heavily influence possible discussions.”

The Grand Prix du Maire de Champignac has existed since 1988 and rewards “the finest oratorical performances in French-speaking Switzerland” selected during the year by readers of the newspaper “La Distinction”. This year, 25 candidates were in the running.




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