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Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Star – a blunted intuition

In already 30 years of existence in the cinema, the greatest of the little private detectives continues to assert its longevity. It is precisely in a regressive pleasure that we meet annually in the cinema, because neither the manga nor the animated series have yet found a way out in such a rich and stimulating universe. The corpses therefore continue to parade in front of Conan, his friends and his rivals. The treasure hunt, heist and sword film are the ingredients that make up the new adventure of The $1 Million Star. So what is this 27th film in a seemingly eternal franchise worth?

Synopsis : Hakodate, Hokkaido region. A Kaito Kid card is found in the Onoe Group’s warehouses. At the same time, a body slashed with a cross on the chest was discovered in the warehouse district of Hakodate. The trail leads the investigation to the “death seller”, an American of Japanese origin operating as an arms dealer in the Asian basin. Time for an epic treasure hunt!

Including seven collaborations in filmmaking Detective Conan to his credit, including two solo (The Blue Sapphire Fist, The Scarlet Ball), Chika Nagaoka continues to exploit a vein that continues to explode at the Japanese box office. Its success is more discreet here. The fact that this latest film does not have French dubbing upon its release also demonstrates the difficulty of rallying the public to this saga, which is no longer exclusively aimed at young adolescents. This does not prevent us from acclaiming the remarkable work of Minami Takayama and Kappei Yamaguchi on the voices of the main protagonists. Each film nevertheless boasts a strong passion for bringing its characters and the myths from which they are inspired to life.. If the result does not always live up to our hopes and expectations, the fact remains that we will only close this file once the case has been closed.

A magician in the sky, a detective in the clouds

After a detour in apnea and a direct confrontation with the organization of the men in black, in The black submarinemake way for a treasure hunt that goes back to the stories and legends surrounding an emblematic place in Hokkaido, more precisely in the city of Hakodate. A renowned leader and warrior of a militia during the Edo era, Hijikata Toshizō was the owner of a sword that has disappeared and that many collectors seem to want to fight over nowadays.. The secrets it contains are at the heart of a new investigation, where even the elusive Kaito Kid, largely inspired by Arsène Lupin, is involved. It is not as common to see this hero evolve alongside Conan, so each confrontation or alliance of circumstances is worth taking.

Still inspired by great crime figures, Shinichi Kudo remains imprisoned in the avatar of Conan Edogawa. His sagacity is always called upon. When Japanese kanji and kana are not within your reach to decipher hidden messages, you can count on his elementary response. However, it is a shame that this hero does not progress further, whether as Conan or Shinichi. Drowning in different groups of characters, the plot outclasses it and at the same time confirms any impulse of empathy. Yet this is a valuable quality with so many familiar faces on screen. For non-newbies, it will only weigh down the image and the story with slightly overly invasive extras.

Revenge for love

After the traditional presentation of the protagonists in a jazzy momentum, always stimulating and invigorating, it is necessary to catch up with the historical issues that fill this new story. This latest film is thus more demanding than the previous ones, as the overload of information interferes with viewing. Often on autopilot, but pleasantly sprinkled with lyrical or epic flights, we often manage to compensate and restore the holes in the scenario. That of Takahiro Okura, on the other hand, seems to be cut down by an editing which swears by coherence. It thus calls for a rather poor narration compared to the latest films, which, despite some notable writing facilities, did not lack rhythm. Verbose at all times, not very dynamic before the final sprint towards the outcome, neither the investigation nor Heiji Hattori’s romantic subplot manage to convince.

This is all the more frustrating, knowing the visual and aesthetic richness of the film. Apart from a few obligatory passages, where the collection of testimonies is necessary to lay the foundations of the plot, we are gradually moving towards the location of Goryokakua star-shaped fortress. It is both the ideal postcard to promote this flowery and colorful space, but also the ideal playground for animators who dream of staging short sequences that quote the work of Akira Kurosawa. Instead of running around buildings or on Tokyo public transport, we are treated to a more open setting with an impressive view of Hakodate. The city takes on a new dimension here, as the characters wander around hoping to stir some emotion into all this disguised sightseeing.

Similarly, while the generosity of the films in terms of thrills is naturally praised, most of the arguments converge towards an anti-spectacular experience. We are thinking in particular of a saber duel, constantly postponed and defused, where we prefer the perfect blow to a real exchange that increases the tension. As for the good-natured humor that sparingly sprinkles the story, it is difficult to reproach it for anything other than often imperfect timing. It is therefore regrettable that this episode misses its arguments. Supposed to be a treasure hunt filled with good feelings and an arsenal of sharp artifacts, Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Star remains a failed declaration of love to the characters of Gōshō Aoyama. Just like his joker card in the post-credits scene, the whole thing is unlikely to leave us with an unforgettable memory. Looking forward to the sequel anyway!

Trailer : Detective Conan – The Million Dollar Star

Technical sheet : Detective Conan – The Million Dollar Star

Titre original : Conan: 100-man Dollars in the Sky
Realization By Chika Nagaoka
Scenario : Takahiro Okura
Musique : Yûgo Kanno
Production : TMS/1st Studio
Country of production : Japan
Distribution France : Eurozoom
Duration : 1h50
Genre : Animation, Crime, Action
Release date : June 19, 2024

Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Star – A Blunted Intuition


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