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World Day Against Pet Abandonment

Saturday June 29 is World Day Against Pet Abandonment.

This world day was launched to denounce and alert public authorities, raise awareness among the general public and take action against this injustice.

An offense

Abandoning animals has been a crime since 1976. It is considered an act of cruelty, just like animal abuse.

Abandoning a domestic animal, or a tamed one, or one kept in captivity, is punishable by 3 years in prison and a fine of €45,000.

In France alone, there would be more than 100,000 abandoned.

Club photo ISO Also

A symbolic date

The last Saturday in June is symbolically the first major departure of July holidaymakers in most European countries.

For 2024, it falls on June 29 and it is therefore this date that was chosen to mobilize citizens and bring together animal protection associations.

SPA shelters are overwhelmed by the arrivals of abandoned animals and this global awareness day will make it possible to denounce a scourge that occurs every year at the dawn of vacation departures.

Club photo ISO Also

This year is no exception to the rule and the SPA du Gers has noted for several months an increase in the number of abandonments, which is forcing them to push the walls of the shelter!

The SPA reminds us that animals have emotions, their arrival at the shelter is an ordeal that they face alone, they who have always been there for their masters…

“Let’s not forget that adopting an animal is making a lifelong commitment; going on vacation, moving, or changing circumstances should not put your best friend aside.”

SPA you DO
369 Chemin de Meilhan
05 62 05 15 90
open to the public Monday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

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